Yes, I am judging right from wrong.  I am not judging your motives.  For example, I am judging as wrong the requirement for Saturday worship. 

NOW, if I say, Izzy, the reason you want to play like you believe in Saturday worship is to have a day where you have an excuse to not do anything.  You can tell your husband you're going to do something because it is Saturday.  It is the only way you can get people to leave you alone.  NOW THAT WOULD BE JUDGING WHY (Your motives.) YOU PRETEND TO OBSERVE SATURDAY AND THAT WOULD BE WRONG ON MY PART. 

But to judge that professional article you sent to TT is not judging your motives.  That professional article you sent was good Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, etc., doctrine.  BUT IT WAS NOT BIBLICAL.


I have only given you warning that it is the Lord who weighs your boasting, so be very careful that your boasting is not considered arrogance to Him, who is Judge. Do you only come on TT to indulge in “rebuking” those who love you? We are told in John 7:24 to “judge with righteous judgement”; not to refrain from judging. It is you who are judging me.


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