Perry wrote:
> David, it seems you have omitted some parts of this 
> passage that might help understand it. Here is the 
> preceding verse (v17), and the full version of
> the one you quoted (v18): 
> Matt 5:17  Think not that I am come to destroy the 
> law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but 
> to fulfil.
> Matt 5:18  For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and 
> earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise 
> pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 
> Jesus said he came to fulfil the law in 17, and 
> then in 18 said that nothing will pass from the 
> law until all be fulfilled. My question is, did 
> Jesus fulfil the law? If he did, what does that 
> do to the law under the new covenant? If he did 
> not, then what did he mean when he said he came 
> to fulfil?

Jesus did NOT fulfill all the law.  His coming to fulfill the law is
progressive.  He fulfilled many parts, such as the part requiring
atonement for sin, ushering in the Kingdom of God, making the way for us
to obtain righteousness and be free of sin.  However, he makes it very
clear in this passage that all would not be fulfilled until heaven and
earth pass.  1 Cor. 15:26 says that the last enemy to be destroyed is
death, and we expect many things besides this to yet be fulfilled
according to the law, including the salvation of Israel and the
universal rule of Messiah.

Even if you don't know the law and the prophecies that have yet to be
fulfilled, the passage in Mat. 5 clearly indicates that Jesus did not
fulfill all the law by saying 1) heaven and earth will pass first, and
2) those who break the least mandate of the law and teach others to
break it will be least in the kingdom of heaven.  What we understand is
that the Lord will yet fulfill the law when he returns the second time,
bringing the resurrection of all mankind, the judgment, and the
Christ-rule of all nations of the earth.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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