\o/ !HALALU Yah! \o/
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
Yehudah ('Judah' / Judaea) went into Babylonian captivity circa the 7th century B.C. due to their stiffnecked, rebellious disobedience.
Babylon was highly organized in their laws and practices (religious and otherwise) with very fine details.  'Judah' came to admire this and appropriated Babylonian aspects into their religious practices after leaving captivity.  This brought forth 'Judah'-ism i.e. 'Judaism'.
Father Abraham never knew 'Judaism'.  Neither did Moses, King David, or any other pre-captivity 'believers'.
'Judaism' came into existence AFTER Babylonian captivity and was ALWAYS a false religion.
One of the things that Judaism picked up from Babylon was the "ineffable name" doctrine.
The Babylonians only allowed "special" people to speak the names of the highest deities because such names were too "special" to be spoken by just anybody.  Judaism appropriated this into their doctrine.  Only the high priest would utter The Name of YHVH and ONLY on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) IN PRIVATE in the most holy place separate and apart from any others to hear.
Scripture COMMANDS the use of The Name, and in fact notes that it is to be declared SPECIFICALLY among even the heathen.
To this day Jews say 'ha Shem' when reading The Name of YHVH in Scripture.  The Hebrew words 'ha Shem' means literally 'The Name'.
Books of Judaism (called 'talmudic') instruct NOT to give truth to Gentiles.  They even go so far as to command that lies be told to Gentiles if they ask questions.
The 1991 Encyclopaedia Brittanica notes that the Masoretes who preserved Old Testament Scriptures CHANGED the vowel markers for YHVH between the 6th and 10th ceturies A.D.  They took the vowels of the Hebrew word 'Eloah' which translates into English as 'God' and placed them within YHVH to come up with YeHoVaH -- an entirely made up word.  This was done in order to "hide" the pronunciation.
Hebrew is a very specific language.  Words -- even names -- have meanings from letter combinations and depending upon how and where languages are used and combined.  For instance, the letter 'Y' at the end of a word can have a particular use and meaning.  However, the letter 'Y' becomes neutral at the beginning of a word and has no meaning by itself.  It attains meaning by combining with another letter or letters.  'Y' has no meaning by itself at the beginning of a word but 'hovah' does.
The meaning of 'hovah' is 'mischievous' ... 'calamitous' ... 'ruinous'.  When one calls out 'Yehovah' / 'Jehovah' they are calling out 'mischievous' ... 'calamitous' ... 'ruinous'.
The only question is whether this change was made by Masoretes as unwitting dupes of the devil (YHVH rebuke him) -- see John 8:44 -- or whether they full well knew the BLASPHEMY they had created for others to unknowingly repeat.
Shabbat Shalom,
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,

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