Yes David, I believe that.  All have sinned, everyone deserves to go to
Hell, whether it is one sin or a thousand.  The only way to avoid that is
Jesus.  If that is too simple to grasp, consider the following.

One lousy sin brought death to all mankind.  God said don't  eat the fruit.

Two guys are trying to prevent the ark from falling.  Their intentions seem
good.  God said, Don't touch the ark.  HE meant DON'T TOUCH THE ARK!

Annanias and Sapphira tell a little lie.  No one was hurt by it.  Kinda like
doing 57 in a 55 zone.  Before the day is over they are dead and buried.

Moses was told how to get water from the rock, but Moses had a better idea.
That idea kept him out of the promised land.

Starting to get the picture?  When God says something, He means it.  I think
it would be very dangerous to assume, as you are doing, that He does not,
and that you can decide for yourself which ones He is serious about.

Please think about that.

> Terry wrote:
> > If that were the only sin you ever committed,
> > it would send you to Hell unless covered by
> > the blood of Christ.
> Wow!  Do you really believe that?
> It seems to me that you are being stricter than God on this matter.  I
> will have to prayerfully consider what you have said.  Wow.  I still
> can't believe you think this way.


> Terry wrote:
> > It does not matter how much the
> > policeman is concerned.
> If the policeman is not concerned, that tells me that he understands the
> fallibility of his equipment, and also perhaps understands that the
> speed limit is purposely below the actual safe speed for the road.  Of
> course, he might also be just interested in bigger violators.  :-)
> What we are getting into here is whether God is a legalist or a
> moralist.  Does God have rules / laws which he constantly uses like a
> check list to determine who has violated the rules?  Is that God?
> I don't see God that way.  I see God as love, without any formal rules
> at all.  He created some rules for us to help us understand how we have
> fallen short of being motivated by love.  Nevertheless, once we have
> received his heart of love within us, we don't need to be concerned
> about the legalistic letter of the law.  By the law of love, it might be
> raining out and a sin to drive 55 in a 55 zone.  Love has the ability to
> adjust according to circumstances much better than the letter of the
> law.  I believe God looks upon sin, not as a legalist who quotes which
> code section was violated, but as a moralist who is happy with those who
> walk in love and angry with those who do not walk in love.
> Terry wrote:
> > I have known homosexuals with a clear conscience.
> I haven't.  I have known some to lie about it, and I have known some
> without a conscience (a seared conscience), but none with a "clear
> conscience."  Would you care to share how you knew them to have a clear
> conscience?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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