Slade wrote:
> When I look down and I'm speeding by four miles and hour, 
> I HATE IT. I just sinned inadvertently because YHVH tells 
> me I need to obey the laws of the land (except in the 
> obvious perversions) and I do everything I can to be
> obedient to Him.

So do you automatically assume that everyone makes this kind of mistake
from time to time?

Do you understand the difference between a sin and a mistake?  If I drop
my car keys accidentally, is that a sin in your eyes?  When I hear
Christians talk about how they sin every once in awhile, usually they
are talking about going out and getting drunk on the weekend or
fornicating with someone.  Some of them include lying and losing their
temper and getting angry.  What other kinds of "sins" besides speeding
do you have in mind when you say "inadvertent sins" that everyone does?

Even the secular powers do not consider driving above the speed limit a
crime, yet you seem to treat this kind of mistake the same as murder.
Do you think God's wrath boils against you when you accidentally slip
above the speed limit a few miles per hour?  Do you think God's attitude
toward it changes when men's laws change and increase the speed limit
for a particular road?  For example, was God angry with those who drove
60 mph on the interstate back when the law said the speed limit was 55,
and now that man says that 70 mph is ok God does not have a problem with
it?  I guess what I'm trying to say is, do you think that God's sense of
morality is dependent upon what men consider right and wrong, or are men
subject to God's sense of morality?
Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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