Slade wrote:
> Like those who visited Paul in his home-prison, 
> some today are not persuaded and they prefer an 
> ambiguous set of rules that cannot be defined 
> outside the simple and HUMANISTIC "love God. 
> love your neighbor." parameters. In this manner, 
> Christians worship YHVH in a way that seems right 
> in their own eye, which is spoken against throughout 
> Scripture.

I hope you don't think that this is the covenant that I have been

Slade wrote:
> Why do I call it humanistic?  Because we think God 
> will accept whatever we do simply on the merit of 
> our faith. We define within ourselves GOD'S standards 
> of right and wrong when we live this way. This is 
> Humanistic and it's terribly wrong. We worship a God 
> who created us in HIS image. Stop creating God in 
> YOUR image and obey HIS rules.

Again, I hope you aren't understanding me in this way.  If you are, you
need to speak in a more straightforward manner so that I can clarify.

As for your fear of being called a heretic, no, of course you are not
that.  What you shared was very good.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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