What you say sounds real good, but it just doesn't add up.  Those instructions are written in the Bible for a reason, and that reason is not that we should dismiss them as being the tools of legalists.  Jesus, James, Peter and Paul did not talk just to hear themselves.  They gave instructions..We follow those instructions, as best we can.  The freedom from the law not withstanding.  I hope some day you will be able to see that.  Your freedom does not make you free to disobey when you feel the urge.
-------Original Message-------
Date: Monday, March 31, 2003 03:14:38 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Everyone Has Sinned Inadvertently
Terry wrote:
> Are you claiming to be greater than the temple
> (equal to Jesus), or are you saying that I can
> tear all that stuff out of the new testament
> about obeying the government if it is a minor
> thing, because the sabbath was made for man and
> the Pharisees did not understand that to be the case?

I don't think I understand your question well enough to answer it.
Nobody should tear out either the New Testament or the Old Testament.
What we should try and do is understand that both are spiritual. The
law is spiritual, and good if one uses it correctly, but in the wrong
hands, the law can wreak havoc.

Jesus was not teaching believers to ignore the Sabbath laws. What he
was doing was teaching what is truly righteous in God's eyes concerning
Sabbath observance.

The key point to understand here is that the law must be thrown out so
to speak, with regard to how we work out righteousness through faith.
This does not mean that we then transgress the law. Certainly not. Our
method of obedience is simply changed, from one where we know the rules
and try our best not to violate them, to one whereby we are led by the
Holy Spirit and walk in love. What we will find is that when we are led
by the Spirit and walk in love, we will fulfill the righteous
requirements of the law. We might still have some, like the Pharisees,
who strain at gnats and falsely accuse us of being guilty of breaking
the law, but we will know through the Spirit and faith in Christ that we
walk in love and obey all that Jesus commands us to do.

Terry wrote:
> This is all very confusing, and this confusion forces me
> to keep all the rules or be a sinner, because I am not at
> all certain which ones I can ignore. Being what you call
> a legalist seems to be the only sane thing to do, unless
> of course, you get direct revelations from above like some
> of these prophets.

Yes, divine revelation is necessary, and that is why when we believe in
Christ Jesus we receive the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, it
would be difficult to know right from wrong in all situations, unless,
as you say, we were a legalist. We learn how to walk in the Spirit by
giving close heed to the teachings of Jesus, just like the Matthew 12
passage that I quoted for you.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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