I don't think you can reduce President Bush's personal commitment to Christ to Free Masonry.  I don't know if he is a Free Mason or not, but if he is, that doesn't mean he has sworn allegiance to Masonry above Jesus Christ.  That doesn't mean Masonry is a master to him.  Now I am not defending Masonry.  That's where the Mormons get a lot of their practices.  I know some Masons who are nominal Masons just like there are nominal Christians.  Their Masons in name only just like there are Christians in name only.  Neither are really who they claim to be.

This serving two masters is not that cut and dried.  Surely you don't think that verse is referring to Free Masonry.  President Bush sworn allegiance to the constitution of the United States.  I don't think that makes him serving the two masters of United States and Jesus Christ. 

Gore is an idiot.  That does not make Bush above suspicion.  Simply the lesser of two evils.  Evidently you disagree with Jesus about being able to serve two masters?

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