\o/ !HALALUYah! \o/
Greetings in the Matchless Name of YahShua !!
Roe v. Wade is cited as making abortion OK.  Does that make abortion OK?
Just because cases can be cited about Schiff and others does not make them wrong any more than Roe v. Wade makes abortion right.
I have been privileged to know a very dear elder in the faith who is now in his mid 70s.  He has faithfully preached The Gospel for decades.  He has faithfully preached against wickedness (abortion, homosexuality, Sabbath breaking, easter celebrations, etc.) in the public square for decades.  He has been jailed and then literally KICKED OUT OF JAIL for such preaching.
He also has preached on that which Bruce has been sharing that most have been fighting against.  The IRS made demand for filings from him.  He refused and told them why.  He was arrested and jailed for weeks.  He was threatened repeatedly right up until his court date as the IRS attempted to coerce a settlement from him.  He steadfastly refused and said, "I look forward to going to court".  The day before his court date the authorities came to his cell, opened the door, and said, "Go home, Mr. H____."  He said, "No, I'm looking forward to going to court".  The response came back, "There isn't going to be any court.  All charges have been dropped."
In the many, many years since then he has not made the voluntary filing and the "authorities" have left him alone. 
The U. S. Supreme Court ruled many years ago that rights not demanded cease to be.  Another ruling said not obeying a bad law is not breaking the law because the law was invalid in the first place and therefore could not be broken.
Also, for the record, there is NO requirement to obtain a SSN.  THAT is another LIE.  When you volunteer for that you volunteer for slavery and YES if you don't comply with the slaveowner government that you willingly indentured yourself to then you are liable.  Truly, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6).
The Internal Revenue Code even makes provision for employers to employ those who do not have a SSN.
Furthermore, being part of the SS system (also an integral portion of Nazi Germany) is ANTI-Scriptural.
Ahava b' YahShua
(Love in The SAVIOUR)
Baruch YHVH,
Bro. Chris
a servant of YHVH

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