Please know that I say this in love but what you, Bruce, and Chris
claim makes no rational or any other kind of sense at all - None!!!
I was not born in this country. I was born in Australia (where BTW
there is also income tax) and many years ago I made a special trip
to Memphis with our firstborn on a Greyhound Bus to apply for
and receive a green card and SSN. Are you now telling me that I've
been had and it would have been wiser for me to live as an 'illegal
alien?' What about obedience to Government as those who God
has placed in authority over us? (Romans 13:1-4)
Our family was with the USN for 20yrs where the SSN is everything.
Wives must use the last four digits of their husband's SSN for Medical
care and anything else the family needs (from the Navy that is) and
believe it or not - God used an isolated US Navy Base to draw me
back to Christ through the witness of godly military families.  In fact
His power, presence and His creation around us on Adak AK at the
time was awesome; He picked me up out of the miry clay and set
my feet on a rock.. This would never have happened had they
been a bunch of rebels.
Jesus also healed a Roman Centurian's son and chose Paul
a Roman citizen to write most of the NT; this Paul actually wrote:
'He who was called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord's freedman'
(1 Cor 7:22) which should take care of all fear of Government.
Concerning taxes Paul wrote: "It (Government) is a minister of God
to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not
bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger
who brings wrath upon the one who practices evil. Wherefore it is
necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also
for conscience sake.  For because of this YOU ALSO PAY
TAXES, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to
this very thing. Render to all what is due them; TAX TO WHOM
TAX IS DUE; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear,
honor to whom honor. Owe nothing to anyone except to love
one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law"
Note: We are instructed to serve rather than judge our
Government and to pray for those who are in authority over us.
What the tax evaders teach and do is rebellion which is as the sin
of witchcraft....
Grace and Peace,
 "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Judith, the key is whether you are a citizen of the state in which you were born, or a citizen of the USA, Inc. If you have a SSN, then you are a citizen of USA, Inc and have "volunteered", by getting an SSN, to pay taxes. Now, once you have "volunteered" by getting an SSN, you are "required" to pay taxes. It is no longer voluntary unless you somehow can rescind your SSN, and reclaim your citizenship under the state in which you were born.

You have probably completed aW-4 for an employer, which is a withholding statement telling your employer how much of your hard-earned income to withhold (based on your likely deductions at the end of the year). That form is for citizens (SSN holders) of USA, Inc. If you are not citizen of USA, Inc, then you file a W-8 with your employer. It states that you are NOT a citizen of USA, Inc, and therefore they are not to withhold any funds for taxes, which you do not owe. The biggest problem is that most employers know nothing of the may have to educate them.

The problem for citizens of USA, Inc is unraveling the legal stranglehold that USA, Inc has on SSN holders. While I have not, I have friends and aquaintances who have gone through the legal process of extricating themselves from involvment with USA, Inc, and are now living lives as free citizens of their states. This is the ORIGINAL status of Americans. The creation of the SSN has allowed USA, Inc to literally enslave us. We are indentured servants of USA, Inc. How did this come about? In 1938 USA, Inc became insolvent, that is, they could no longer meet their debt to the Federal Reserve (a privately held corporation, by the way, that is no more federal than Federal Express). Good ol' FDR pledged the labor of the people of the USA as collateral against the USA, Inc. debt. Thus, Income Tax!

There are two legal jurusdictions operating in the USA (there are more, but two that apply to normal citizens). One for state citizens and one for Federal (USA, inc) citizens. State citizens fall under common law, and the federal citizens under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) of the United Sates of America.Under common law, we have God-given inalienable rights as described in the Constitution, and further in the bill of rights. However, under UCC, we are controlled by man-man may have guessed, our "civil rights". Now you can begin to see the picture emerge. When we get a SSN, we are voluntarily agreeing to yield our rights under the constitution to a set of man-made laws. Those laws allow us to be taxed, regulated, controlled, etc. In California, for instance, the state tax is collected by the "Franchise Tax Board". What a strange name, until you find out that California only taxes the income of franchises operating in California. And, being citizens of USA, Inc, we are considered "franchises" of the USA, Inc b y California. Voila! We in CA with SSNs are legally taxable franchises! (BTW, we in California are not called "citizens" of CA, we are called "residents" of CA. "Residents" are people living in CA who are citizens of another place. For SSN holders, that is the District of Columbia.)

I have gleaned all of this from years of reading, attending lectures,and talking with people involved in it. I am no expert on this, and have myself chosen to remain as a USA citizen. But, I did most of my research 10 years ago. The understanding on all of this has probably grown considerably since then.


>From: "Judith H. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: [TruthTalk] A Good Read/Taxes
>Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:23:38 -0400
>Brother Bruce, you write:
>Dear sister, this thread is NOT about "evading taxes" or "diddling on
>taxes". It is all about obeying the Lord Jesus' commands to pay the
>for which one is liable, taxes which are demanded.
>jt: In the USA this is what is called 'Income Tax' which law Congress
>enacted in 1862 to support the Civil War effort; this was a forerunner of
>our modern income tax.
>bw: It is also about refusing to voluntarily contribute to programs
>which one
>does not desire to bear the moral responsibility for. No one bears moral
>responsibility for the wicked use of tax revenue which is demanded of
>But when one voluntarily contributes to programs which one knows are
>one cannot escape the moral accountability before God for the wicked use
>funds which one volunteers to contribute to such wickedness.
>jt: There is nothing 'voluntary' about income tax. It is withheld at the
>and without a Social Security # it is all but impossible to get hired in
>country that is, unless you can find someone doing things 'under the
>people here get in trouble for having yard sales without a permit.
>bw: I pay every tax for which I am liable and which is demanded of me.
>But I
>refuse to contribute to Income tax because it is a voluntary tax for
>I am not liable. There is not a single statement in our Canadian Income
>Act nor in your U.S. tax laws which makes any person liable to pay income
>jt: I don't know about Canada but in the US the Act of 1862 also
>the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Commissioner was
>the power to assess, levy, and collect taxes, and the right to enforce
>the tax laws
>through seizure of property and income and through prosecution. His
>and authority remain very much the same today; where are you getting your
>information from Bruce?
>bw: Many programs and services have been designed specificly to entice
>into paying (social security, Income Tax refunds, employment insurance,
>welfare programs etc etc.) I do not claim any of these "benfits", nor do
>have any of the required identification numbers. That is another
>which has been foisted on and believed by the general public...i.e.
>"Everyone that works must have a Social Insurance (Social Security)
> It just ain't so!
>jt: It is so here... I guess one could go hide in a cave somewhere for
>the rest
>of their days but if you are going to live and work in the U.S.A. Income
>tax being
>withheld and Social Security are a given for this is the law of the land
>and the
>IRS are quite diligent. They caught up with a friend of mine for not
>paying her
>FICA (in ignorance).
>bw: If you will do your own research, you will find all these things and
>more to be the truth!
>jt: I've done my research Bruce and still don't see anything voluntary
>about it.
>Also it makes no rational sense to me because if we receive the
>advantages of
>living in a somewhat safe and free environment then we need to share the
>of keeping it that way by building national highways, Policing them,
>upkeep of
>our National Parks, Coast Guard, and National Defense. There are no free
>lunches out there - someone has to pay.
>Grace and Peace,
>"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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