"David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy wrote:
Sanctification is not a thing that happened for us 
 2,000yrs ago; it is a daily choice on our part to 
 'work out our own salvation with fear and trembling'. 

 Both are involved in sanctification.  The sanctification of the 
 spirit happens immediately, but the sanctification of our soul is 

I know the 'faith teachers' teach this David; however I'm
no longer convinced that our spirit is immediately purified
and perfect when we receive Christ for several reasons.

We have to look at sanctification as something that happens 
 immediately, not progressively, or we will go back to the 
letter of the law.

Not necessarily; it's obvious that we don't have any power
in and of ourselves to be any different, a leopard can't 
change it's spots so it's all grace whether or not it happens

Nevertheless, I acknowledge that the soul develops new 
attitudes and habits over time as we walk in the new man 
that he gives us instantly by faith.

I would probably say that the soul is renewed and changed
as we walk after the spirit daily repenting and turning from
our old ways.
Judy wrote:
I was recently surprised myself to learn that Paul 
 wrote Romans 7 after he himself had been born again 
for more than 20yrs. 

 Surprised?  You mean you previously thought that 
Paul wrote Romans 7 before he was saved?

Not exactly. I thought the man he describes in Romans 7
was himself before Christ .. I had heard faith teachers 
say that Romans 7 was describing an unregenerate man 
but Paul wrote elsewhere that he had NOT already attained 
but that he pressed on. IMO these doctrines deny reality 
and are dangerous.

Paul was not living Romans 7 at the time in which he wrote 
it. Romans 7 describes a defeated man, a man who is a slave 
to sin and carnal passions, a man under bondage to sin. I could 
write something like Romans 7 today as a redeemed man, 
but it would not mean that I am currently living in that 
defeated state. "For when we were in the flesh, the motions 
of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to 
bring forth fruit unto death." (Romans 7:5 KJV) Consider this 
verse carefully before reading the rest of Romans 7.  It says, 
"WHEN WE WERE IN THE FLESH."  The whole chapter 
speaks of  living a life of condemnation, one where you want 
to do what is right, but you can find no power to do it. This 
is NOT the Christian life.  This is life UNDER LAW and a 
life of defeat because of the power of the flesh. Paul sums 
up his sentiments in chapter 7 with: "O wretched man that 
I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"  
(Romans 7:24 KJV). This is the work of being under law.  
It causes us to look for a Savior. Who will deliver us from 
the body of this death?  The answer?  Jesus Christ.  That's 
why Paul immediately says, "There is therefore now no 
condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk 
not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."  (Romans 8:1 KJV)

What about those who claim to be in Christ Jesus who
walk after the flesh? Do you believe there is condemnation 
for them?
In Romans 7, Paul describes a life of condemnation.  This 
is life UNDER LAW.  

When professing believers miss it and go back to a flesh
walk the law still judges them.  We are either blessed or
cursed according to where we walk. IMO Paul addresses
this in Romans 7 and yes there is now no condemnation
to those who consistently walk after the Spirit.  However,
walking after the Spirit is learned behavior and being
judged by God's Law is what puts us on our knees and
causes us to return to Christ with our whole heart, rather
than go on with a heart divided.

I am not observing a whole lot of freedom in the body 
of Christ today.  There are just as many curses and
just as much sickness hanging on believers as there is out
there in the world and this is why I see these 'faith' 
doctrines as dangerous.  They teach a false sense of 

Grace and Peace,

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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