You wrote:"Okay, Bruce, we all know the pat, standard, rote, expected, programmed answers. I was hoping for a little thought on this subject.

What if someone in a vegetative coma state is already with the Lord? Do you think the Lord expects to keep their body alive by artificial means forever? What if it was a young woman who desired children, and now can never have them, or experience the joy of a marriage? Does anything ever compel you to
get inside someone else's frame of mind? As long as the vegetative person was well cared for, would God be so rigid and unfeeling that he would want the spouse to never be able to have a life? Does your God come in a pre-programmed box? .Nevermind. Izzy

PS In case you think that I would be so callous as to remove the feeding tube from someone, let me remind you that I was married to someone in a very vegetative state for 25 years! Thank the Lord, He had mercy on my situation! ROFL!!!"

Dear Sister, Please forgive me for communicating that I'd given your question no thought! I certainly did, but you asked what God would require, and so I thought it best not to express opinions but to the the Holy Spirit of God speak to the situation through His own Word.

But now you have asked some other questions:
-"What if someone in a vegetative coma state is already with the Lord?"

If one has departed, if the soul and spirit are separated from the body, the body is dead. There is no more need to care for such. Bury the body and the one who was formerly married to the departed one is free to marry another. Romans 7 is clear on that score.

-"Do you think the Lord expects to keep their body alive by artificial means forever?"

No I do not.

-"What if it was a young woman who desired children, and now can never have them, or experience the joy of a marriage?"

It is never God's desire that a young married woman whose husband is physically or mentally incapacitated should bear children by any other man while her husband is still living. Rather, in the midst of her deep trial, it IS his purpose to make Himself known to her in all of His sufficiency for her every need.

-"Does anything ever compel you to get inside someone else's frame of mind?"

Yes, when people share what is on their mind, I am often compelled to consider their perspective. Thank you for doing just that here!

-"As long as the vegetative person was well cared for, would God be so rigid and unfeeling that he would want the spouse to never be able to have a life?"

Dear Sister, If the incapacitated spouse is in need of being well cared for, they are still a spouse and their spouse is still married. God is never rigid and unfeeling!! The Lord Jesus was tempted in all pointas like as we are apart from sin and in that he himself suffered bneing tempted, He is able to succour (help) them that are tempted. But LIFE is never to be found in a spouse, in a happy marriage, in bearing children etc. If anyone enters a marriage relationship thinking that LIFE is found there, they are going to be sorely disillusioned! BUT, if they realize that LIFE is only found in Christ (I John 5:11,12), then regardless of their circumstances, good relationships or bad, smooth sailing or daily pain and aggravation...they can still experience a full, joyful and meaningful life by maintaining coomunion with and drawing their sustenance from their Lord!

Your brother in Christ,

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