Allrighty...since you guys are asking, I think it's time for a Mini-FAQ so questions can be answered.

Q: Are you really a Pagan?

A: Yep. I am a Neo-Asatru. One who has his beliefs set in the Scandinavian Patheon. More precisely I am a Thorite (one who affiliates his will) with Thor. I follow the nine virtues of the thorth (Courage, Truth, Honor, Fidelity, Discipline, Industriousness, Self-Reliance, Perseverance).

Q: Where did you get the moniker "The Pagan Wolf"?

A: Believe it or not, A Christian gave it to me! Bit of a story behind this. There was this one preacher whom I heckled some odd years ago who shouted back at me "Here you are in prescence of a Christian Lamb and you act like a Pagan Wolf!!". The name stuck and I liked it, since I simply adore the wolf. It's a noble creature to me.

Q: What are you standing up against? Christians? The Church? What?

A: I stand against religious fundementalists, more precisely, the fringe lunatics that use a platform of violence and political intrigue to get their merry little way. I dub them "Fundies". I also fight against Crooked Tele-evangelists, abusive priests and neo-nazi hoodlums whenever.

Q: Are you an enemy of God then?

A: Hardly. To use your own terminology, I relegate the matters of God onto God and Relegate the matters of Cesear unto Cesear. Hence, it's not against your God I got a problem with, it's more some of his renegade followers.

Q: Why all the secrecy? Why won't you reveal your true name?

A: To protect some people of which are dear to me, including myself. Having been a regular thorn in many group's side, I learned the value of being a question mark. Many of the more lunatic of the bunch have expressed ill intent in the past, and seeing this I felt a need to use a stealthier approach. With time I develloped it in a way that I can sit comfortably in a diner right next to my mark and they wouldn't even know who I really was.

Q: What's the worse you have done to them?

A: Merely made it so that the police was there at the right time and the right place. *grins* as for the rest, well, the right kind of information given unto the right organization can go a long way...

Q: What do you mean by that?

A: That information is ammunition. Knowing the who, the what and the where can be far more potent than some picketting or some brainless belly-aching. Most interests groups I see nowadays are just so much hot-air, poor informed and not making really any smart use of their ressources.

Well if you have other questions, feel free to ask.


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to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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