JT: Would it be fair to say that you worship the creation rather than the Creator TPW?

TPW: A misconception. We acknowledge the creation made by the creator and honor it by preserving it. Just like one would honor the craftsmanship of a carpenter who built a house by maintaining it.

JT: So Paganism is along the same lines as the adept system or the mystery religious?

TPW: More of a survival technique that was adopted after centuries of getting harrassed, tortured and even killed for not following institutionalized religion (Christianity being one of them). But of course there is also the element of mystery combined. We don't like to advertise much our own personal experiences. Reason: It's personal.

Hence that is something I never could understand about the Christian way, If Jesus is a personal god, why does his followers flaunt their experiences? I would guard it jealously myself and only speak of it when I finally know for sure that I can trust that person.

JT: Interesting - that you would feel threatened by Christians TPW. My prayer today is that you will come to know the Prince of Peace,

TPW: Not threatened by Christians dear, but by ursupers who adopted a platform of violence and hate. They are the ones you have to worry about. Reason: the religious fanatic is by nature insecure, and hence will mount great campaigns to score points with the afterlife and God and those thinking they are the "authority" on the supernatural.

You may have seen this before, the one church member who is over-zealous, bitter on his outlook of the world, yet rejoices at the very thought of his God cutting a swath thru unbelievers. He will rejoice when unbelievers suffer and claim that it was divine intervention.
At heart he is always on the verge of shedding tears. He is torn between accepting his weaknesses as a human and his religious pride. On the outside, he seems like a fervent believer, on the inside, he envies Torquemada.

Those are the dangerous ones, the sociopaths we really need to watch out for. their heart seem in the right place, but look at their hands and your will see the blood that might be or has been already!!


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