Dean writes: Laura I recognize this teaching from reading comic books as a kid-The Pagan Wolf ( or as some call him -Pagan wimp- as I am told) didn't seem to out grow his comic book characters. Pagan have you tried to twirl a hammer around-sling it and hang on for a ride in to the sky? I tried this once as a child-but it didn't work. I never left the ground but shore hurt my arm. The point is it's time to grow up and leave Thor behind or you will be hurt by my God who allows you to have the very breath from one moment to the next..

TPW: *snicker* I think you confuse one aspect of the Asatru faith with the Marvel Comic's Hero based on that very god. But I forgive you, even thought you meant to be sarcastic.

And quite frankly, Am I supposed to be impressed by your supernatural threat? I thought Christians Prayed and didn't curse? Oh well, no matter.

As for the "Pagan Wimp" comment I recongnize that from a certain group of gentlemen (I am saying "gentlemen" only to be polite) whom I had the pleasure of taking part of showing them for what they are, the insecure blowhards who indeed feel mighty intimidating those with poor ego-strenght, but feel angered at the sight of one man who isn't and even in some cases had law enforcement agents at the right spot on a few occasions.

*Smiles brightly* that being said, what else is new with you guys, I hear you suffered a few losses of late...I hope the families don't suffer too much.


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