JT: My, my, how things have changed TPW - At first you appeared to be not entirely humble but at least respectful and willing to dialogue because as you've been telling us heathens do not proselytize. But we've progressed from that to taking up an offense over the arrogance of the street evangelists along with a list of complaints and some advice on 'how to do it better'.

TPW: Are you insinuating that you are incapable of taking in some constructive criticism?

JT: The methods of the street evangelists may not be perfect but they are out there with the desire to represent the one they serve. You don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back or shot by any of them (if you're not an abortion doctor which is sad) and they will not harm your family.

TPW: Agreed. Not all of them are like Fred Phelps (thank goodness). But still, I must protect my kin and kindred by using a veil over my identity and actions, just call me cautious.

JT: So what's the beef? If you don't want to get saved, noone is going to force it on you, God won't and neither will his people.

TPW: Then explain "spiritual warfare". Explain the need for the use of propraganda and the need for open-air ministries? And why has nothing been done about the misinformation campaigns (which do bare a "false witness")?

JT: To me it is ironic that you think youself qualified to instruct God's people how to do their job.

TPW: *tsk tsk tsk* who better to give you feed-back then the one who stands on the receiving end of your methods and schemes?


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