> From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Carrolll Moore wrote:
> dh: He who establishes his argument by noise and command, shows that his
> reason is weak. -Michel De Montaigne, essayist (1533-1592)
> Dean Writes:
> But in Isaiah 58- God told us to to declare His Law very loudly.
> jt: Dean if you read Isaiah 58:1 again you will see God is talking about
> crying
> out to His own people - showing His people their transgression and the
> house
> of Jacob their sin.  This is why I question going out into the streets
> and
> condemning the unbeliever when the Church itself is such a mess because
> of
> sin.
> DAVEH:  Perhaps so, Carroll......but did he tell us to be obnoxious when
> doing so?!?!?!
> jt: He has a point. The way Mormons evangelize is more along the lines of
> the
> apostles, going out two by two and talking to people in their homes with
> their
> permission where there are no distractions and they are a captive
> audience.
> Bad message but good method.

DAVEH:  Which is why I am surprised at the length/depth some protesters will go to 
humiliate those they intend to convert.  I've never understood that mentality.  Do 
such methods really work in any small measure at all?  I can only think they may
occasionally gain a convert, but it sure seems to me that it is the wrong method of 
doing it.  For all the effort some protesters put into it, I would think they turn off 
far more people than they convert.  But, that is just the opinion of an outsider.
How about some of you street preachers who are closer to the action.......Do such 
tactics pay off in the long run?

> Grace and Peace,
> Judy

 Dave Hansen
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