Carroll Moore wrote:

> > [Original Message]
> > From: Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 11/26/2003 10:09:38 AM
> > Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day
> >
> >
> >
> > Carrolll Moore wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > > He who establishes his argument by noise and command, shows that his
> > > > reason
> > > > is weak. -Michel De Montaigne, essayist (1533-1592)
> > >
> > >  Dean Writes:
> > >   But in Isaiah 58- God told us to to declare His Law very loudly.
> >
> > DAVEH:  Perhaps so, Carroll......but did he tell us to be obnoxious when
> doing so?!?!?!
> Dean writes: Ob-nox-ious (adj.) unpleasant, offensive. Wouldn't a sinner
> find the words of Jesus as obnoxious if they didn't have the ability to
> hear those same words.

DAVEH:  Not in my opinion, Carroll.  He told folks they were wrong and
should change, but he did it in a loving way.  I do not recall him
trying to mock or humiliate those who disagreed with him.  Nor did he go
out of his way to 'get in their face'.  He
often times spoke his mind about their wrongness and then left them to
decide which path they want to travel.   I don't think there was
anything obnoxious or offensive about the way he preached or acted. 
And, that includes his righteous indignation in
the Temple.

> That is why we are considered obnoxious at you
> precious temple-you refuse to repent.

DAVEH:  Since you want to discuss this within the context of Mormonism,
I will oblige.  The behavior exhibited by those protesting Mormonism
during their conference times twice a year has exceeded the bounds of
respect, politeness, decency and common
sense.  In short, their demonstrations were extremely rude, crude and
obnoxious.....not only to LDS folks, but to others who witnessed their
rude behavior.  Carroll, if you think our Lord condones such deplorable
behavior, I am rather disappointed.  I'm
not sure what effect they (the protesters) think their inappropriate
behavior will achieve, but I assure you it was detrimental to their
cause.  If somebody does not agree with our theology and wishes to
protest....that is OK.  But to delve to the depths
of indecency only brands them with an unChristian image that betrays
their hypocritical goals.

> Jesus said that the Temple was
> within-

DAVEH:  LDS folks believe the same.

> Mormons place it into a structure made with mans hands

DAVEH:  That too, just as in Biblical times.  Do you not see a relevance
of Temples to/and God, Carroll?  I do not believe a "temple" need be
ONLY one single aspect of theology.

> which God
> will not accept

DAVEH:  In your opinion.

> and in your lies you declare this as the way to
> salvation-Mormons are fools.

DAVEH: your opinion.  However, I respectfully disagree.

> Your temple will fall.

DAVEH:  When do you think that will happen, and why do you make that
prediction, Carroll?

 Dave Hansen
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