Terry,  I’ve had non-stop houseguests for the past month, so am now trying to go back and catch up a bit.  I really liked your post here—quite excellent.  However, I’m wondering; does the below statement refer to me? Maybe not. But, if so, what do you know about what I do other than stay at home? And if even if a woman did only stay at home, this would be scriptural* (and I consider it my main calling in life.) Have you ever considered all of the ministries a woman can do entirely from her home? It’s such an awesome calling to be a homemaker!!! I also do not consider it fitting or likely that the Lord would call a woman to do the kind of street preaching which some of our brothers here are called to do. There may be exceptions, but none I’m aware of. (Although He does allow some of us to preach via the internet. J) Izzy,


*Titus 2:5
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.



-----Original Message-----

God did not give all of us the same personality, and God never expected us to conform ourselves to one mould.  God can use anyone who wants to be used with one possible exception.  I do not see anywhere where He used someone who simply stayed home and said,"Look at me.  I am a good example."




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