Hi Blaine, you write:
I have been impressed with your thoughts, always expressed with a grain of charity. 
SEX?   Well, I can't recall where they said anything about it in the Bible.  
Judy: You don't remember the Saducees asking Jesus about what would happen if
seven men (brothers) all married the same woman and they did it according to the law
ie: when one died the next one took her to raise offspring - and they asked him who
would be her husband in in heaven; to which he clearly replied that there will be NO
marriage in heaven (Mark 12:25)
Blaine: If they talked about it at all,  they talked around it, not about it, as usual, huh?. (:>)  
I am afraid you have fallen into the old trap of believing SEX  between married people
is naughty!!  Shame on you, Judy!  Did your parents have sex when you were conceived? 
Bet they did, someday you will have to face up to this important fact of life!!! 
Judy: No actually I believe that an undefiled marriage bed is a gift from God. Shame
comes with sin so I wouldn't include adultery, fornication, perverted sex, or more than
one spouse and thankfully my parents were not involved in any of that.
Blaine: By the way, the #1 book on the present NY Times bestseller list is 
The Davinci Code, which among other things hypothesizes that Jesus was actually
married to Mary Magdalene. It does say in the Gospel of Phillip that she was the one
he Kissed frequently.  She was also the first to witness him as a resurrected person,
and he had to tell her to not touch him, right? She was obviously about to embrace
him, or even kiss him!  I think this suggests a very close relationship--too close to say
it was all platonic. hmmmm?
Judy: Hypothesizes says it all - the author quite obviously does not know God and
speculations will never end because they are part of the unregenerate human nature.
I wouldn't waste my time reading such nonsense though, best-seller could mean anything.
It probably appeals to the prurient interest of those who reject God. I've never heard
of a 'gospel of Phillip' and Jesus does nothing sensual in all of the 66 books in my Bible.
In fact he does nothing secret or in a corner either so if he were married we would know
it out in the open and up front.  But what would be the point since he was born to die. Is
God in the business of creating widows and orphans?  If he did marry Mary Magdalene
who he delivered from seven devils then why isn't she honored as the wife of Christ by
his 12 disciples?  Since there were two Mary's - how does this fellow know which one it
was who came to the tomb?. (Martha's sister Mary loved him and she would sit at his
feet to learn which was a new thing for women in that day).  I wouldn't be presumptuous
enough to say that anything was obvious in this setting but corrupt minds will write
anything to make a buck. I remember another book years ago called The Passover Plot -
which is now dead along with it's author. They come and they go as this one will also.
 By the way, how do we know Jesus was Jewish?
Answer:  Because he thought his mother was a virgin, and his mother thought he was God.  LOL
Or, how do we know he might have been Hispanic?
Answer:  Because he was poor and his first name was Jesus  (pronounced Hey-suse).  (:>)
Judy: Sorry Blaine but your humor escapes me - it tells me that you don't KNOW God and re
confirms what I already knew (that the Mormon Jesus is a false Christ) which is sad. How can
you joke about this person who chose to become poor in laying aside the glory He had with the
Father in taking upon himself a body of flesh just so he could (33yrs later) break his mother's
heart by laying it down for you?
Grace and Peace,
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003 14:54:26 -0500 Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
From: Blaine R Borrowman Hi Terry!!
That makes me feel good that you are interesting in helping poor DaveH,  he needs help soooo bad!!  I probably do also.  Glad to see your wife never gave up on you.  She must be a gem.  Hang in there, and maybe DaveH and myself will someday see the light!!  LOL
Judy: I understand you are speaking 'tongue in cheek' about your buddy DaveH Blaine - but there is no "probably" about it, you and he are in bad shape.   Anyone captured by a belief system that tells them they are headed for godhood and celestial sex forevermore is in bad shape... (reminds me of the Islamic guys who committed suicide on 9/11 so they could be greeted in Paradise by 72 virgins).  Jesus plainly taught that there is no sex in heaven.
Who is lying????

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