Not Just a man--but definitely man-like in form.  See below:
Judy: God is Spirit so Genesis 1:26,27 does not refer to a physical
form; when Jesus said "If you have seen me you have seen the Father"
he was also making reference to the 'Spiritual' since He walked in a 'full
measure' of the Holy Spirit and there were some in that day who saw his
physical body but still did not see Him.  Revelation 1:14-16 describes the
resurrected Christ or Jesus in his resurrected body as King of Kings and
Lord of Lords and John the beloved disciple fell at his feet as one dead. 
Yes there is a man in a resurrected body presently sitting at the right
hand of the Father in heaven... but what does that have to do with us?
We are to be conformed to nature and character not his physical image.
Genesis 1:26-27
26.  "And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness"
27.  So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He
him, male and female created he them." The living Christ is a glorified man,
and is the express image of the Father: see  Revelation 1: 14-16 
"Terry Clifton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
writes:Blaine: I was not talking about your comment concerning sex
within marriage.  I always have been and continue to be an avid
proponent  and participant of that very practice.
I was referring to your looking at your God and creator as just a 
man.  Wake up! Some day soon you will stand before Him to be
judged.  Again, I say REPENT.  You have sinned a great sin.
BlaineRB:   Do you have any children,  Terry?  

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