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Sent: 12/18/2003 6:50:23 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] What do you do with a problem like the mormons?

Brother Dean,


I appreciate your questions, which are legitimate.  But I’m not sure if you are speaking just to me, or to everyone on TT in general regarding these questions. Are you saying that I personally should get off of TT because there are mormons interacting on it? Or are you saying that David Miller should not have this chatroom at all?  Excuse me for being so slow to understand what, exactly, you are getting at. 


You do realize that TT belongs to David Miller, and not to me? And I hope you believe me when I tell you that I have only abhorrence for mormonism, as anyone who has been on TT for a long time can verify.  (I don’t even dignify their beliefs by capitalizing their name, if you notice.) I got reprimanded long ago for rebuking the mormons and telling them they just need to cut the baloney, repent, and get saved. So I normally just ignore them altogether. I, personally, have no problem being lured by their seducing spirits.  Perhaps that’s because I just don’t bother to read most of the posts from folks on TT that don’t interest me.


But I cannot say that I hate mormons, as I don’t at all.  I know that, if I were born into a mormon family, I would be just as deceived as they are, so how can I hate them personally? I hate that underlying evil spirit that controls those who are attempting to lure the gullible into the pit, but I do not consider it up to me to insist that other Believers not debate with them here.  Who knows but what someone might get through to one of them by some miracle? I don’t consider it my place to tell other folks on TT what to do/not do regarding the mormons, as TT does not belong to me.  I’m here for other interests that come up from time to time.  And I do trust the Holy Spirit to work however He wishes where His Word is debated.  I don’t want to presume and get in His way.  So can you explain what you are asking of me, more specifically?  Or do you think I am I too dense to bother with??? J



Dean writes 12/18:

 Izzy I have been praying about the questions David Miller and despite my reluctance to admit this-You are right. DaveH has a place here-It was given to him a long time ago.I view it a similar to the place we gave to Satan in this world-Man was given dominion to this world- we in turn -by listen to him instead of God-made him our Lord-rejecting God as lord.We gave Him place as I now understand why DaveH has a place here and now understand that I have no right to take that from him-I was never given dominion over this site another was-hence I have no control of this site. In a way I see it casting out Demons-if one wants the demon it will stay-it will not be cast out. Any way this is my belief-so I withdraw from this topic to those whom have more say then I do-Can I stay here? I not sure-but doubt it-as I doubt that anyone wants me too. This is something I feel too strongly about . I have never considered you dense-but do consider you to be a very strong sister-beware of seducing spirits. Believe it or not I am not here to cause David Miller's site harm-only to help.

-----Original Message-----


Dean writes 12/18

Then can one person on TT tell me why the Bible gives such strong warnings-I do not have any fear of a Mormon-to me they are a joke-with much stupidty.But if you think a seducing spirit that could make a man ignore a mountain of truth to the point of blindness to Gods word for five yrs-and make Christian also ignore the warnings of the Bible- is something to be made lite of-you are wrong. And personally I am getting tired of telling TT this. You have three street preachers telling you the same thing and to those on this list we are being funny-Does this not seem strange to you? Alarm bells should be ringing-that itself tells me alot- I don't like being blunt with you Izzy but there is something wrong here. David Miller Himself once asked me on the phone if I felt a tempting/drawing from this religion as he did. I remember those from this site that left due to seducing spirits-if you fail to believe me ask Da old-fast.



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