David Miller wrote:

> this forum is setup for discussion, not converting people.
> Everybody here hopefully is interested in talking about what they
> believe and answering questions.  I can't tell you how much I value
> being able to talk with someone like DaveH and Blaine and learn first
> hand what Mormons believe and why.  There is a level of communication
> here that is much better than reading a book.

DAVEH:  I feel exactly the same way, DavidM.  What I don't quite understand is why 
some TTers (notably, Dean) don't find such a forum to be interesting, informative and 
useful.  In their compelling need to convert others to their way of thinking, it
almost seems as though they become irrational in their thinking and actions.  To me, 
this feeling of frustration (at failing to easily accomplish their goals) seems to 
translate into their actions when protesting in SLC.

    If I weren't so wrapped up in other time consuming activities, I'd be tempted to 
set up some kind of round table forum dedicated to just an exchange of ideas without 
allowing hostile exchanges.  I've got a feeling that may not be as easy to control as
it seems though.

    It kinda saddens me to think that even though my primary purpose to be on TT is to 
find out about the beliefs of Protestants, many TTers now do not want to discuss such 
with me, and those who do merely want to bury me with anti-Mormon arguments.  I do
appreciate you (DavidM, Judy and other willing TTers) taking the time to answer my 
questions though.

Dave Hansen
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