David Miller,


I must object. When I rebuked the mormons I think I did not personally attack, or flame, them. What I remember is that I just told them that they had no intention of learning anything, and were just manipulating everyone, and that they needed to cut the nonsense, and repent and get saved. I was told this was an ad hominem attack. I still don't think it was. Maybe that depends upon one’s definition.


 I just figure it’s better to speak the truth in love, even when it sounds harsh. But I subject myself to your authority on this site. Now when I think someone has a demonic spirit of contentiousness (motivated by wanting to stir up strife rather than to pursue truth or just enjoy profitable conversation—and I can “smell” that demon a mile away) I just ignore them rather than rebuke them. So it just comes down to whether I want to waste my time talking to them—and I don’t. There are plenty of others on TT who are well worth discussing spiritual issues with.




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Miller
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 5:44 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Izzy -You are right.


Dean wrote:

> But David when we rebuked them you stepped in and spoke

> against us for rebuking them-Both Izzy and I experienced

> this-In a sense we were rebuked for rebuking the Mormons.


A lot of people have experienced this.  We have one rule on TruthTalk,

and that is that there should be no ad hominem arguments.  You are not

allowed to insult people or disparage them.  You are allowed to

passionately attack what they are saying.  Attack the arguments.  Do not

attack the person.


I realize that both you and Izzy have a hard time understanding that,

but the purpose of it is to focus on the subject matter being discussed

rather than on the person.  When you attack the person, all kinds of

emotions start coming into play and the discussion degrades into a

battle of the wits over ego rather than truth.


Please keep in mind, that if it had been reversed and Dave had attacked

you, I would have come down on him just as hard.  There is only one

person that I had to ban from the list and that is because when he was

rebuked by me, he did what he wanted anyway.  Some people just like to

flame others and make them mad.  We don't allow that here. 


Now in some sense, you are allowed to rebuke, but the rebuke must be

focused upon the error itself.  You have rebuked me for allowing

non-Christians on the list.  I have not censored you for that.  I would

like to see continued discussion about it.  However, if you start

railing at me and calling me an idiot and not really discussing the

differences, then we will have a problem.


I try to allow as much latitude as I can for people to correct

themselves, but if I don't step in from time to time, the discussion

seriously degrades into useless banter.


Peace be with you.

David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.



"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org


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