From: "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Dean writes:

Kevin Her shield is up against us-we are only beating our swords against her shield-But she will lower it to bring one of a different doctrine to her home for dinner on Christmas Day-contrary to the Bible. I think one can help her in time as I consider her to be worth the effort- if she will lower that shield-if not it seems to be a waste of time. But don't let me stop you from trying.   Someone really did a number on her.

Judy:  Where does the Bible say I have to go out of the world and can not have a worldly person to my house? I know it says not to eat with a 'so called brother' who is actively sinning and unrepentant ie:

Dean writes:  2 John 7-11

** Dean 2 John 7-11 addresses travelling teachers who come with the wrong doctrine. These men would stay at ppl's houses and speak to the body in that town.  Our Christmas guest is my daughter's friend  and he is not coming here as a spiritual teacher. 

Dean writes:12/21 - Judy first you say they don't qualify because they "believe false doctrine" and when I show you that they are also included you say to me now that someone else invited them-sounds like garbage to me.The fact that they are you daughters friends makes the danger greater to your daughter-How do you think my son got pulled away-his friend was corrupt my advice is for you to get her away from that Mormon friend. But I'm sure David will approve of this also for he believes them to be Christians. David if you are proven to allow these Christians to be harmed on purpose-you will most definitely have an enemy for life.

Judy - Dean this is one person and my daughter is an adult. Too late for me to choose her friends for her, she knows the truth and she will bear full responsibility for her choices in life. I am presently  trusting the Lord to lead her.  I think you are being too hard on DavidM.  I have not read that he believes Mormons to be Christian, just that he finds dialogue with them interesting.  I am aware of our differences but I find them intelligent and respectful also.  We don't need to fear their influence when we are the ones who have the truth.  Jesus chose to go through Samaria and speak to that woman at the well didn't He? at a time when the Jews had completely separated themselves and viewed the Samaritans as "UNCLEAN" ....  Look  how I've learned to change text colors from DaveH it's fun - so all has not been a total loss even if he never embraces my Lord and Savior which is my hope and prayer for him.

I wrote: "But now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one no not to eat.  For what have I do to to judge them also that are without?  do not ye judge them that are withinThem that are without God judgeth.  Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person" (1 Cor 5:11,12)

The Mormons don't qualify because as you say Dean they believe false doctrine so they are not Christian brothers ... but wait a minute - what is a "railer?" (Strongs 3060) Mischief, abusive, railer, reviler, blackguard.  Hmmm would street preachers qualify as 'railers and mischief makers?'  I wonder what the Paul would say about climbing flag poles, waving Mormon underwear, and becoming a public curiosity?  Grace and Peace, Judy

Dean writes: I think Paul would approve 2 Cor.10:4-6 v4. ...,but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.v5  Casting down imaginations,and every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,..

Judy:  Dean only thing is that this is our personal responsibility. We are to do this daily for our own lives and this is how our mind is renewed (when we persist).  It is impossible to do this for others or out on the street. I don't know how much the signs and truth horns affect ppl or how much of their attention you are able to get in the midst of all the distractions surrounding all of you.

Dean writes 12/21

It goes much farther then just a battle in our minds-it involves preaching. I suggest you get a commentary.  Concerning Banners  Psalm 60:4 - Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee,that it may be displayed because of the truth.  Learn to fear him and He may give you one also.

Judy:   I don't know what Commentary you are reading Dean but ensigns/standards are an OT thing, in Numbers they were told to put them where the tribes were to camp and they were used to lead armies into battle, this is what David refers to in Psalm 60.  Then in Psalm 74 we see that the enemy set up their ensigns for signs in the midst of God's congregations (which I don't see as being out there on the street but DavidM sees it differently).  In the NT (under the New Covenant) Jesus is our ensign. (see Isaiah 11:10-16) "And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ENSIGN of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek and His rest shall be glorious"

Dean: Sooner or later meat must be taken-as one cannot survive on milk alone.

Judy: I'm not sure where the above fits. Are you speaking of the milk/meat doctrines of Hebrews 6:1,2 like baptisms, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment?  You think these street ppl are ready for all that Dean?

Dean writes 12/21: I don't view it as are the street preachers ready to do that-I view it as is The Holy Ghost ready to do that-but yes as I have seen all of the above performed by the street preachers.

Judy: Well that's good news Dean - I'm glad to hear that it's not all condemnation, damnation, doom and gloom, flag poles, and Mormon underwear.





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