DAVEH:  Hmmmmmmm........Blaine, it seems you may have hit a raw nerve here!   <VBG>

Kevin Deegan wrote:

Liars Decievers SeducersThat is part of the SEDUCERAlways give the appearance of piousnessAll Phony men of God put on the Dog & Pony show for the Sheeples.Ever watch the Pope? Why does he always walk around with his hands clasped as in prayer? Why all the dresses that they wear? The smoke & incense? The LARGE cathedrals? The candles & beautiful artwork, windows?A good example is the announcer at the Hill Cumorah pag. He has this sicky pleasing voice. I wish I had audio, I can mimic it to a tee to give you an idea. He can conjure up FEELINGS thru his voice. eg. Ever hear someone refer to a "WARM" voice?Attendees are later told if they had a feeling that was the Spirit. They should go to the kiosk. As in SEDUCING SPIRITS! TALK is CHEAP!There are lots of people put on a good TALK but few that have a good WALK.God is interested in your Heart service NOT your lip service!
The bible says to love not just in Word but in deed!
Hi Dean, Hey is this really what you mean? Not to be antagonistic, but
this sounds like YOU have a devil in YOU. Dave is always so calm, and
collected, and REASOBABLE, above all!! I get the feeling you are
frustrated because . . . ?

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003 07:45:14 -0500 "Dean Moore"
> DAVEH: OK, Dean......if not my remarks, what does make you so angry
> (sounding)?
> Dean writes 12/17
> In all honesty DaveH-When I see the brethren interacting with you as
> one of their own-without any caution for the spirit that drives
> you-this angers me.

Dave Hansen
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