**I did not reject you Izzy, I made the request below because you were either not reading or just half reading and would then jump into the middle of something with a cryptic one-liner or in a judgmental way using accusations like 'sin coddling' or 'faux Christian' .... which are ad hominem rather than conducive to discussion.
A recent example is the stand you took with TPW.  He clearly stated more than once on this List that he did not send that email to DavidM even offering to try and find out who did if DavidM would send him the headers.  Apparently you either didn't read or ignored these messages and then went on to tell him you were not going to speak to him until he responded to DavidM.  This is why he over reacted yesterday (or whenever it was).
It's my personal conviction that I should not separate myself from other believers, if you want to separate yourself from me on the TT List - then that is entirely up to you.
Grace and Peace,
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy, Regarding your accusation that I am ignoring you, have your forgotten what you requested on 11/26? (If so, see below)  Was our agreement mutual, or was it just supposed to be that I don’t criticize YOU while you reserve the right to criticize me? (How about let’s make it mutual, okay?) Izzy


-----Original Message-----
Wednesday, November 26, 2003 12:14 AM 

Fine Izzy - Since this is your position would you show the courtesy of not responding to what I write and/or

analyzing what you think I am saying (coddling sin or whatever).  I agree, it's not all about me. 



Happy to comply.  Oh, if only you were as understanding of me as you are of Michael Jackson….. J Izzy 



-----Original Message-----
Sunday, December 21, 2003 4:16 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Faux-Christians


From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                        Non-Christians have no right to tell Christians how to behave as Christians. (How would a faux-                                Christian know???) Izzy


**I understand that I am on your "ignore" list Izzy but do you have any idea how obnoxious the above

sounds?  You talk as though a non-believer has no sense at all.  They may not know what you know

but they have their own spiritual antenna up and this kind of thing is what drives them as far away from

the Christian church and professing Christians as they can get ...


-----Original Message-----
 DAVEH:  I think Judy has given you some good reasons, so I don't feel a need to repeat them.  However Kevin, what I will repeat is something I've mentioned to Ruben and Dean previously.  Have any of the protesters or other Christians who condone such behavior given any thought to the image such displays of unChristian behavior projects to the outside world?  Do the protesters want non Christians to think this is normal behavior in the Christian community?

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