David Miller wrote:
>> She has not "demanded the Preachers that preach the 
>> gospel to stop doing so."  That is where you bore 
>> false witness.

Dean wrote:
> David she has said many times -in many ways- that we 
> should not be doing what we are doing in SLC-

No doubt, she has QUESTIONED what is being done there, and she has
QUESTIONED whether the Mormons are being approached with the right
attitude.  She discerns an attitude coming from some of the street
preachers on this list, and she questions it.  She has expressed her
concerns in the form of challenging certain premises, but she has never
DEMANDED the Preachers that preach the gospel to stop doing so.  Surely
you must understand that to make such an accusation against her is
unfounded.  I hope you understand the difference between QUESTIONING
something and DEMANDING a cessation of something.  Quote something she
said that led you to believe this.  You are reading between the lines
and have come to a misunderstanding of what she has been trying to

If it gives you any comfort, understand that the Pharisees and Sadducees
also QUESTIONED Jesus and for the most part it does not appear that they
told him not to preach.  In fact, they gave him space to speak in their
synagogues.  So although I agree in point with Judy that you
misunderstood what she was trying to say, I also understand your
perspective that her heart is contrary to what you are doing.  I have no
problem with you saying that she does not support the preaching in Salt
Lake City in the way that she understands it being done, but she never
demanded the preachers to stop preaching the gospel.  We have to be fair
on this point.

Dean wrote:
> I believe the brethren are lead by the spirit to do 
> as they do in Salt Lake City-every act and every 
> words spoken there are for the purpose of spreading 
> of Jesus Christ to the best of our ability. 

I believe that some of the preachers have acted out of order.  I
remember Bible Jim Webber taking care of some inappropriate behavior
that came to our attention from James White.  Here you try and say that
"every act and every word" was right by the preachers.  I doubt that.
Remember how I brought up the guy with the skull cap mocking James
White?  The response made it appear that this particular "preacher" was
a loose cannon and a concern to the other preachers. There was relief
over the fact that he was no longer leagued up with you guys.

When you speak as you do here, you simply confirm what Judy has been
saying all along, that you view yourself as GOD whose ways cannot be
questioned in the least.  Pride?  Perhaps.  You have to search your own
heart, but my position is that we all need to hear the concerns that
Judy expresses and walk in humility.  Sometimes we do make mistakes, and
we don't always act and react in the best way.  Sometimes we don't do
anything wrong, but there is a better way of doing something.  Let us
always be quick to hear and slow to speak.

Dean wrote:
> Thus far many things about my character have been said 
> but those things are said while I am trying to teach /
> preach truth-and not baby anyone-for that has failed as 
> that was my first approach-to be gentle-till the Holy 
> Ghost was spoken ill of. 

>From my perspective, you have been reactionary.  In other words, you
have REACTED to what a Mormon said.  Reactions are often a result of the
flesh rather than the Spirit, which is why the Word instructs us to be
swift to hear and slow to speak (James 1:19).  This reactionary behavior
is exactly what Judy has been addressing, and your reactionary behavior
is what has caused her to question the motivation of street preaching.  

Let me put it this way.  If we are only REACTING to Mormons, then we are
not being led by the Spirit.  Here is how it works in my life.  I don't
know if I have the model life, but it is what works for me.  I hear a
Mormon express something.  I react in my heart.  What! What is this?
Then I go to prayer before the Lord, because the Holy Spirit is my
teacher. I study what I can, but I always go to prayer.  I don't move
forward until the Holy Spirit leads me.  Sometimes the Lord has told me
to ignore certain things.  Sometimes He leads me to press on certain
things.  But I try NEVER to REACT to others.  This comes in very useful
in public preaching.  Someone spits in my face.  I do not react.
Someone slugs me.  I do not react.  I am always seeking the Holy
Spirit's leading, regardless of the circumstances around me.  I rely
heavily upon the Scripture, "Whosoever believeth on him shall not be

Therefore, my prayer for you is that you hear the truth that Judy
shares, eating the meat and spitting out the bones.  Learn to be less
reactive and more proactive, as you are led by the Spirit rather than
the actions of those around you, whether they be Mormons or vociferous
evangelicals like Judy.  

Dean wrote:
> My advice to those that accuse me of sin is 
> to slow down-and consider their words.

Good Advice!  Please lead us by example.  :-)

Dean wrote:
> I have also been accused of being angry often and have 
> gotten that way only once for zeal for the Holy Ghost 
> and that was when I asked Ruben and Kevin to help-
> annoyed? Yes- but not angry. I did this because I knew
> that to resolve this I would have to deal with debating 
> most of those on this site-but the goal is still the same 
> as it always was to get you to stop doing harm to the 
> brethren by exposing them to seducing spirits. So before 
> anyone accuses me of evil consider my motives-other then 
> that enjoy this debate- I am :-)

You also have asked Bible Jim Webber to come help and so I signed him up
yesterday.  So now you have Ruben, Kevin, Bible Jim, and you against ...
who?  Who is fighting you?  DaveH, Blaine, Judy?  Is that it?

Maybe now that you feel the odds are matched up, they will offer their
judgment to the list.  In my opinion, there are some things that the
Lord is bringing you to see.  There is some level of humility of heart
that He wants to work in you.  You are a great warrior, Dean.  You are a
mighty man of valor.  Glory to God!  I wish we had a dozen Dean's who
were sold out to God and were willing to spend and be spent for the
Kingdom of God's sake.  

Keep in mind that you are growing in grace every day.  We all press
toward the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus.  Every day we must
humble ourselves and ask God to help us in our weakness.  Like David
facing Goliath, it is not the number of men we get to come with us, but
our faith in God that will slay the giant.  The flesh profits nothing,
but the spirit is sufficient in all.  I know that you believe these
things.  It does not hurt for Judy to remind us of these things.

Something that keeps coming to my mind lately is "religious spirit."  We
talked about this the last time you were here, but we were never able to
get into it in detail.  Perhaps when I have time, I would like to talk
about what a religious spirit is and how it causes division within the
body of Christ.  Maybe we can use the Mormons as an example, if they
don't mind.  :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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