Oh, well, that was definitely informative, Dave, thank you !!  Just so I
get this straight, the Trinity doctrine says there are actually three
separate persons in the Godhead?  

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 10:45:34 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Blaine wrote:
> > I suppose as Jeff might have indicated, I always 
> > thought it meant three expressions of the same 
> > person, and that it was a doctrine peculiar to 
> > Protestant religions, based upon some council 
> > held during the reformation. (:>)    I think 
> > that is what I have understood, at least.
> > But if it means three separate persons, I would 
> > agree with that.
> The doctrine that says God is three expressions of the same person 
> is
> known as Sabellianism.  In modern times, it is called Oneness 
> Doctrine.
> Although a few Protestant denominations have this perspective, it 
> is
> considered heresy by Orthodox Trinitarians.  The Trinity doctrine 
> lies
> midway between Arianism on one end, that makes Jesus only a man who 
> is
> worthy of worship, and Sabellianism on the other end which makes 
> Jesus
> another expression of the One God.  
> Note that during the reformation, one of the chief accusations 
> against
> Michael Servetus was that he denied the Trinity, claiming that God 
> was
> one person and not three.  He believed that Jesus was God, another
> expression of that One God.  John Calvin, a significant Protestant
> reformer I think you would agree, played a role in the Protestant 
> town
> of Geneva burning this man at the stake for holding this view of 
> the
> Godhead.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> ----------
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