Dean: Hello how are you this Christmas? I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you are well.If it helps I didn't see you as being someone who would write such letter about David daughter because you are a martial artist and to reach the level you claim a coward cannot do-only a man can. In Jeet-co-do we never worried about bullies joining the class to mistreat others because the character of a bully would prevent him from lasting to the higher levels as he would have to be willing to get beat up a lot-which many will not do. But one who want to defend the helpless will excel in Martial arts-at least that was my mentality. What style are you?

TPW: Glad to see some people can tell that it's not my style to send such garbage. As for the style I practice, it's known as French Savate. More precisely Savate "Danse de rue" (Translation: "Street dance")

In essence it's a style of kick-boxing that is adapted for street-use. It's a "anything goes" format as the rule in a street brawl is "there is no such thing as a fair fight".

Of course over the years I had to improve on the original, as I came in contact with other styles. Hence I adapted the lost pivot stance from some styles (that one came from an encounter with a practioner of ninjitsu) and even incorporated the five attitudes (from an encounter with a practionner of Pa Qua Chang).

So in itself, it's not "pure" savate. It has some heavy influences from Asia in thinking and maneuvring.

Happy Holidays!!


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