Ruben, isn't this message a little out of character with you?  I mean,
you have NEVER been sacreligious  before, why now? (Evil grin)


On Thu, 25 Dec 2003 07:14:46 -0800 "irebukeu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Ruben: Hey pagan, I thought that was you..and it is you.  Hope you 
> have a
> very merry Happy Jesus Birthday.  On a side note TPW, we have two 
> Mormons on
> this site, that were upset with us waving around their underwear.  
> They
> would like us to stop waving it and leave then alone, as a pagan 
> what should
> we do?
> TPW: Thanks Ruben, Merry Chrismas!
> Now Two mormons that wish that you'd stop waving their sacred 
> long-johns
> around huh?
> Ruben:
> Yeah..they say it is offensive and it looks bad.  But that is our 
> argument
> and why we do it, it is offensive to God, which no New Testament 
> icon ever
> encouraged or wore.  Now with looking bad.hey, they are the ones who 
> put
> those symbols all over those foolish garments.
> =================
> **EVIL GRIN***
> Ruben:
> Happy SMILE
> =================
> Well you don't have to wave it. You could use them as a hat, place 
> it on top
> of your sings as a flag. You could make it stand by just sticking a 
> piece of
> wire in it.
> Ruben:
> I was going to do the flag thing (use those under garments as a flag 
> on top
> of my banner) with it, this past October and I think I might do it 
> in April.
> The hat trick might do, but these Mormons wear Temple hats and have 
> the hand
> shank with odd symbols all over the temple, but I like the piece of 
> wire in
> it.  Like those matadors use, when the bull is charging them because 
> I
> believe these people do have horns on their head too.
> =================
> And you could also add alot of strings and draw a face on it. 
> Instant
> marrionette! That is definitly a crowd pleaser (Or teaser as case 
> may be).
> Ruben:
> Yeah.maybe a face of the devil.or Smith and Young burning in 
> Hell.good idea.
> =================
> And what about a salute to maddona by wearing it over your clothes?
> Ruben:
> Well we did that one last year and one Mormon got upset and 
> assaulted our
> man, these people are so tense.  Its not like I'm dragging the book 
> of
> Mormon on the ground or something.wait.I did that last year and they 
> were
> tense with that too.
> =================
> Or even you could show off a new line of that underwear that has 
> pockets for
> cellphone, PDA, or even a wallet?
> Ruben:
> Well maybe for a cell phone but the wallet is a No Go.  This church 
> has
> raped them of their money, so the church seems to hold their wallet.
> Remember TPW this is a cult.
> ==================
> Know an airbrush artist? You could have a life-like represenation of 
> a naked
> body, but for amusement factor, have an airbrush fig-leaf where the 
> privates
> are at.  The possibilities are endless!!
> Ruben:
> The problem I have with that is, because this is a cult and with 
> many cults
> they is some type of odd sex thing.  Their founding fathers were 
> perverts,
> even married young girls and guess that is why his name is BRING EM 
> They believe that the Holy Spirit had sex and of course sex in 
> heaven, what'
> s a cult with sex in heaven.  We even had a young girl come to us 
> last year
> and thank us for being out there rebuking that church.  She said 
> that she
> was raped in the temple, she stood on the sidewalk crying, while 
> these
> Mormons mocked her. Now your modern day Mormon will say "we don't 
> believe
> that".but their leaders sure did.  The possibilities are endless and 
> we don'
> t mind giving up our good name to expose the idiotic by being 
> idiotic.
> ----------
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