Judy: I don't know what you mean by "in your jaws" or what the "many" preachers you refer to were about, or that this is reality rather than fantasy. What I do know is that all authority is from above and that you can/will do nothing to me that is not permitted by my Father in heaven. He lets ppl like you by with stuff for a season to test or discipline His ppl at times but ultimately your day will come.

TPW: What I mean by "My jaws" is the metaphor I use for the many tricks, tactics and really ultimatly the way I see my endeavours against what is perceived by many of you as "fallen lamb". And it's no fantasy my dear, it's quite real. And you are quite safe from me, not because of your God, but because you are a caring, and law-abbiding citizen.

Judy: I don't smoke and it's nice that you are so altriustic TPW; I find the shame in that there is such a lack of discernment in the Christians. There was a situation in Acts 16 where a pagan girl followed Paul and Silas giving them free PR for three days. Some of the flesh circuses I hear about today would have loved it but Paul "being grieved in his spirit" turned and cast a spirit of divination out of her and she was unable to operate in her 'gift' afterwards. This is the kind of thing I am speaking of TPW. Ruben is doing you no favors.

TPW: Again you are giving me powers I simply do not possess. While I do have certain prenatural gifts, they are not based on familiar spirits (We call them Landvaettirs, Fylgya or Draugar depending).

They are more from the cultivation of what I had from birth. Martial arts provided that medium. what's the difference? Simple, If I were to use a "spirit", I would have only the ability imparted by the spirit's limitation. In many respects I would be dependant on it. By Asatru standard that's a no-no. It goes against our concept of self-reliance.

Whereas if I were to cultivate my own inner-strenght, I know it's mine and no one elses. I control it. Me. Nobody else.

The rest is purely human ingenuity. I am a natural when it comes to electronics and computers.
There is no boiling cauldron, no magical paraphenilia, and certainly not any eldritch writings on the walls. And while I do like a bit of haughtiness in a woman (it gives them poise and a nice walk), I find on you it's very unbecoming.


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