> [Original Message]
> From: Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 12/28/2003 9:39:46 PM
> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]  False teachers.
> > [Original Message]
> > From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 12/28/2003 6:02:14 PM
> > Subject: RE: [TruthTalk]  False teachers.
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > but there should be limits to their words. That is 
> > > what the Bible is teaching. 
> >
> > Where?  What passage says, "limit their words"?  
> D. writes:
> AS hell is the final state of those that listen(ie.recieve) to false
> teachers-then it must be the duty of the children of God to not only
> counted act the effects of the words of the false teachers on the
> hearer-but also to limit their words whenever possible.
> -------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > >  John Wesley questioned within himself for years 
> > > if one should even hear them speak at all-and was 
> > > hesitant to allow others to do so. In the Sermon 
> > > on the mount 12,Wesley states: But perhaps you will 
> > > ask,"If there is such danger of hearing them, ought 
> > > I hear them at all ?" It is a weighty question, such 
> > > as deserves the deep consideration, and ought not to
> > > be answered but upon the calmest thought,the most 
> > > deliberate reflection. For many years I have been 
> > > almost afraid to speak at all concerning it; being 
> > > unable to determine one way or the other, or give any 
> > > judgement upon it. Many reasons there are which readily 
> > > occur, and incline me to say "Hear them not." And yet 
> > > what our Lord speaks concerning the false prophet of 
> > > his own times seems to imply the contrary.....All, 
> > > therefore, whatsoever they bid observe,that observe 
> > > and do. But not after their works; for they say and
> > > do not."...Accordingly,he warns them again and again 
> > > to beware of false prophets. And yet ho does not 
> > > forbid them to hear even these: ....For unless they 
> > > hear them, they could not know,much less observe, 
> > > whatsoever they bid them do... 
> >
> > Ok, very good.  Wesley used the same passage that Judy used to say that
> > we should hear them.  Looks to me like John Wesley and Judy agree on
> > this.
> D.writes:
>  Both Judy and you agree with the hearing of them-Wesley and I agree that
> some can hear them,but many cannot-and even those that can were in no way
> instructed to stay in their mists.  Wesley said: The hearing of them is a"
> weighty matter". So how much weightier should the hearing of them hundreds
> of times. If hearing them at all was considered to be standing on the
> edge/pushing the limit.Then what would hearing them often be considered?
> Common reasoning would say not to do so.This is logical is it not?
> ----------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > David this great man of God struggled over hearing their 
> > > words one time-on this site free liberty is giving for 
> > > them to speak hundred of times-the contrast between you 
> > > and John Wesley is outstanding. 
> >
> > But you seemed to miss Wesley's point.  Wesley judged that his tendency
> > to forbid false teachers was WRONG because of the words of Jesus.  In
> > other words, on this one point, Wesley would agree that I am on the side
> > of the Bible while he is not.  Yet you want to err on the side of
> > Wesley's admitted weakness here.  Why?
>  D. Writes:
> I don't read Wesley as saying this at all. I read Wesley as saying the
> danger is so great to the hearer-that he was hesitant to even allow it-but
> as Jesus gave the warning on how to hear (v.15 Beware),and how to
> them-by their fruits (v.16-20), The results of accepting their false
> teachings-hell (v.21). But where does it tell us to seek them out and hear
> them? I view is as if one is walking thru the market place and one is
> speaking-them beware and reprove them. Not invite then in, nor seek them
> out -to hear them. 
> --------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > And not John alone but Gills, Clark, and Barns 
> > > all expresses that view. 
> >
> > Again, you are not hearing them.  Beware of false teachers, yes, but
> > forbid false teachers in public affairs?  No.  You haven't even given me
> > one quote from any of these men that have stood up to your viewpoint.
> > They all seem to agree with me and my position.
> D.writes:
>  I don't see them as agreeing with you at all-on the contrary I believe
> Jesus would rebuke you. Jesus said beware.Wesley said Hear them only after
> much prayer. Clark said to have no religious connection with them (A true
> Christian has a religious with all people around them). Wesley said that
> they would be used to trap you with no escape. Gills as much as said to
> away from them.How does this agree with you?
> ------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Can you David control the ability of all the 
> > > words of these false teachers to not have a 
> > > impact to all that come to this site? Can you 
> > > control the can of worms you have opened?
> >
> > Oh, Dean.  I have learned a long time ago that I cannot control
> > anything. :-) 
> D.Writes;
>  Then keep the standards of the bible in all things and let God do the
> controlling.
> ------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > The fact that it took years for you to see any danger 
> > > shows how great the danger is. 
> >
> > I never said that it took years for me to see ANY danger.  I'm saying
> > that over years of dialogue, I have seen how deep the deception runs.  I
> > think I understand how deeply that deception runs better than you do
> > because I have put in the time to investigate, study, and converse with
> > the Mormons on this list.  
> D. Writes:
>  Well apparently not or you would keep a distance from those that serve
> Satan. I know this so how do you see better than I?
> ---------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > The ones you claim as strong have invited them 
> > > to dinner -in short- the devil sat across the 
> > > table form them and their families to eat.
> > > 1John 3:10" In this the children of God are 
> > > manifest,and the children of the devil." God 
> > > forbid that they should break bread together.
> >
> > Receiving a family member or friend of a family member for a holiday
> > meal is not a problem, in my opinion.  Judy is not helping them spread
> > Mormon doctrine.
> D. Writes:
>  No but she is showing her family a type of acceptance of them. If Satan
> was across from the table would she be nice to him? No she wouldn't
> she would know the danger. But now she only sees smiles and smiles back to
> out love them-while they work on taking her family to hell with them.That
> is the truth of the matter.
> ------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > I see the effects of this spirit on many on 
> > > this site. It is even in the sayings of
> > > those who say yes-they are of the devil-but 
> > > I want then to stay-yes even there it is present.
> >
> > Well, maybe you should be showing us how you see these effects.  I hope
> > it isn't in the same way that Gary thinks I'm a Mormon and a disciple of
> > Plato.
> D. Writes:
> I have done that.
> -------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > No I don't know of any who call them selves Mormons
> > > for hearing DavH words on this site-but I read their 
> > > teaching in the words of many here-and also your 
> > > teaching that water down the warnings.( ie. They 
> > > believe in Christ also-
> >
> > Why do you want to reject this profession of faith that they have?
> > Would you rather they say, "we believe in Lucifer?"
> D. Writes:
>  I look to what part of Christ's words they believe and very few agree
> the Jesus of the Bible.They would be better of saying "we believe in
> Lucifer" than saying I know the way of God as they will be more
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Their way of spreading the gospel is better 
> > > then preachers-
> >
> > Hey, perfect opportunity for correction!
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > DaveH is harmless-
> >
> > In certain contexts, this would be true. 
>  D. Writes:
>  Yeah,right-Thats what makes him so dangerous-one will lower his guard
> around a harmless man-How would Satan appear in not as a angle of light-to
> be harmless/in sheeps clothing on the outside but what of the inside? A
> wolf?
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Ob-nox-ious-Multiable marriage isn't always a sin 
> > > (You said this)-
> >
> > Say what?  ???  Are you confusing my posts with someone else's?
> D.Writes:
> No sir-You said it when referring to your friend who went to Africa and
> converted a man that had many wives-who kept one while the others turned
> prostitution to support them selves.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > No harm in inviting then to dinners.) 
> >
> > Right.
> D. Writes:
> 2 Peter 2:2
> And many will follow their pernicious ways; by reason  of whom the truth
> will be evil spoken of.
> David are you sure that many will not do they here-will truth be evil
> spoken of here?
> -------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > In short the teaching of spirit of God is BEWARE! 
> >
> > Amen!
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > This should be in the heart of the believer-
> > > but it is not that way here on this site.
> >
> > You sure have a different perspective than I do.  I'm sure that both
> > DaveH and Blaine consider themselves a minority here, and they see
> > themselves as being viewed with skepticism and distrust.
> D. Writes:
> Yes now they do-but what about last April-June. When we weren't here?
> -------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Therefore something is resisting God's 
> > > spirit on this site. 
> >
> > Yes, Dean.  We have both Saints and Sinners here.  So there is a LOT of
> > resisting of God's spirit here on this site.  That is why I keep trying
> > to say to you, do not think for one minute that this list is a church or
> > anything like it.  
>  D.Writes:
> I don't but the bible never said to only beware of false teachers in
> church-did it?
> ------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Remember the words of Romans 5:8-9 This persuasion 
> > > cometh not of him that  callth you.  A  little leaven
> > > leaventh the whole lump. Here-as in this site- a false 
> > > teaching has got into the group and is spreading. 
> >
> > If this list were a church, then you definitely have a point.  But if
> > this list is not meant to be a loaf of bread or a single body, then the
> > effect of the leaven is simply not the same.  
> D. writes:
>  The body of Christ is more than a local church group-I am part of the
> of Christ and so are you-if sin enter us it will have an effect on the
> whole of the body.A little sin spreads false teaching is
> sin/corruption-Wesley said it will effect us and therefore have an effect
> on the whole.
> -----------------------------------------
> >
> > I don't see this list as promoting ungodliness.  Do you?  What kind of
> > ungodliness do we promote?
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Gal.5:7 Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye 
> > > should not obey the truth? Well the truth is one should 
> > > keep a distance from the words of false teachers-and 
> > > who on this site is hindering the spirit of God from 
> > > promoting that truth?
> >
> > You mean the Mormons?  They hinder you and me from promoting truth?
> > How?  You have perfect freedom to speak.  I guarantee you that I feel a
> > greater hindrance from some on this list who are not Mormons, but that
> > still does not hinder me from speaking the truth.  Those who are of the
> > truth will embrace it regardless of the naysayers.
> D.Writes: Gal 5:7
>  I view the passage as meaning that sin prevented those that were going in
> the right path-but Satan set something before them that stopped them from
> obeying the word of God. In this case false teaching was the cause for the
> hindrance-and in verse 12 Paul seems to be saying I wish they (false
> teachers)would be killed (cut off) who are teaching wrong. I believe you
> are being hindered as you must climb over this wall to grow-else you
> understanding is halted in this area.Is you understanding enough to enter
> heaven-does you righteousness exceed the Pharisees?I doubt mine and yours.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > I don't know how one can regulate a site 
> > > to meet the requirements of the Bible-
> >
> > Let me repeat again... YOU DON'T.  This list is not church.
> D.Writes:
> You are always a part of the Body-When two or more are gathered in my name
> then I am in their mists. I am one you are two we are gathering here on
> this site-therefore this is a church. Have you not told some to come
> here-to this place-to speak of the bible?
> -
> >  
> > Dean wrote:
> > > I would hesitate to even try-not have them here 
> > > at all would stop the hearing of them so they 
> > > needs be heard-Be some cannot even hear the lies
> > > without the lies causing harm. I can only suggest 
> > > cutting them off at some point-and pray a lot-
> > > ready to jump in and help the weak ones at a 
> > > moments notice-
> >
> > And as I have said to you before, I will give you a list in which you
> > can try out these principles.  Maybe the effect of the controlling
> > strong arm that you have needs to be seen before you are ready to hear.
> > In my opinion, we should give people freedom and let them respond to
> > truth.  The idea of censoring everything except truth has never worked
> > in all of history.  It always leads to oppression and every evil work. 
> D.Writes:
> There is a difference between censorship-and controlling the long term
> teaching of Satan. Let them speak but at some point (when you realize they
> cannot hear) control the damage-by pulling the plug.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > I believer God directed me to tell you this years ago-
> > > and your conviction of it has lead to you seeing me 
> > > as an enemy-
> >
> > I have NEVER viewed you as an enemy.  Please don't think that.  I know
> > you care about me and receive me as a brother, and in the same way, I
> > receive you.
> D. Writes:
>  I am glad to hear that-And you are right I care alot about you-that is
> I will not stop trying to help you-I will not leave you in this way-that
> why I came back-But I needed to grow to convince you-I hope it is now
> enough-If not I will go and improve and try again later when I am
> I invited the other here so that I could focus on you and not be gang
> banged as before.Now-back to the debate:-)
> -------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > ... I am required to speak God's warnings-so knock off the 
> > > religious garbage-it will only confuse the issue and cause 
> > > more problems then help find truth-and why you are at it-
> > > start thinking of ways to modify this site.
> >
> > I'm always open to suggestions, but I think the religious spirit is
> > something you need to look at.  Is it possible that the Lord directed
> > you to tell me this years ago so that you would hear my response and
> > learn something from it?  
> D. Writes:
> No.
> >
> > Dean replies:
> > > No-I don't. And this is the extreme of what I am saying. I am saying
> > that
> > >prolonged exposure to the Devil/Bad spirit  creates a cause and effect
> > >relationship. Cause they are of Satan it will effect you-that is what
> > the
> > >Bible clearly states.It even goes as far as instruction us not to even
> > eat
> > >with them.
> >
> > I thought you did not consider them to be believers.  According to the
> > Bible, only concerning believers do we not eat with them if they
> > continue in sin.
> D.Writes:
> I view this to mean all that sin and continues on in sin after being
> truth.To continue in sin is to be children of darkness-the distance
> them and us should be there-at some point.
> --------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Mormonism is clearly of sin as the Bible shows 
> > > it to be. 
> >
> > And so is the Roman Catholic religion and many in every denomination on
> > earth.  Let's not be a respecter of persons in this.  
> D. Writes:
>  So a distance should be kept there also. The key is ongoing sin-"For by
> their fruits you will know them."Which denominations have sin in them?
> --------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > And you already admitted that this format was more then 
> > > simple letters- where are you going with this? 
> > > If we keep going in circles we will never find truth-
> >
> > No, I admitted that this format was a little different than sending
> > letter via postal mail.  The response is faster.  Nevertheless, it is
> > still just letter writing to one another.
> D.Writes:
>  Much of the New Testament is letters-why do you think letters are weak?
> -------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > The word Beware has meanings-it is supported by-don't 
> > > eat with them.
> >
> > No, no, no.  Beware does not mean don't eat with them.  It means, keep a
> > look out when you do eat with them.
> D. Writes:
> I Cor.5:9
> Calls for a separation not with just those that call them selves brothers
> (V.11) but also those that are plain fornicators (v.9). The point is
> thereby we know the children of darkness. A false teacher would also fit
> this definition-as having sin on them.
> ----------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > Hell is a warning place for those that listen 
> > > to false teachings. 
> >
> > Wrong emphasis.  Hell is for those who sin, not those who listen to
> > false teachers.  Otherwise, you would have to put Jesus in Hell or
> > preach about Hell to Jesus because he listened to false teachers all the
> > time.
> D.writes:
>  By" listen" I mean to receive their lies as truth-and follow the
> of those lies.
> --------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > One group was hypocrites and the other group greatly errors-
> > > the point is; both were in trouble-why? Because they didn't 
> > > heed the warning about false teachers giving in the OT-and 
> > > the lies got into their beliefs:-)
> >
> > The real problem is sin.  False teaching is only one way that people
> > fall into sin.  If a person walks in righteousness and does the truth,
> > he will come to reject false doctrine and embrace sound doctrine.
> D.Writes:
> Agreed-if the deceiving spirit isn't too strong for that person-some will
> fall to fall teachers-Wesley said all would fall in time if in their
> company. I suggest that the test for us is greater than you would believe.
> ---------------------------
> >
> > David Miller wrote:
> > >> :-)  Dean, Judy is sharp as a tack intelligence wise and spiritual 
> > >> sense wise.  I really have no concern for Judy that she is having 
> > >> a Mormon over for Christmas.  In my opinion, the one who is in 
> > >> danger of conversion is the Mormon, not Judy. :-)
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > And you chose not to warn her of a danger-Have you ever 
> > > told her that the Bible says not to do so.  Have you told 
> > > her why the bible says beware? 
> >
> > She already recognizes the error of Mormonism.  She is a mature
> > believer, not some baby Christian who doesn't know what is going on.
> D. Writes:
> That is not at all how she strikes me as being-she ignores much of the
> bible-that is a weakness-she should not be in their presence.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > You stated earlier that you would not eat with a 
> > > false teachers-and that you didn't/wouldn't bring 
> > > one into your home-Yet you are now saying that is 
> > > alright for Judy to do so. What do you have her do 
> > > -tear that page out of the bible? 
> >
> > It sounded to me like she was having a relative or a friend of a
> > relative over to eat for the holidays.  That is not the same thing as
> > receiving a Mormon missionary to your home to use as a center of
> > operations to evangelize your neighborhood for Mormonism.  In other
> > words, receiving a Mormon teacher or evangelist is not the same thing as
> > receiving a Mormon member.  I have had Jehovah's Witnesses repent and
> > give their heart to Jesus Christ right in my house and also right in
> > their house after I knocked on their door.  What would have happened if
> > I had said, "sorry, but I cannot come into your house and you cannot
> > come into my house because you are a JW?" 
> D. writes:
>  Most Mormons strike me as snakes in the grass-that bare a watching. Judy
> lowers her guard just to love them as you do-that isn't safe by any means.
> ------------------------------------------
> >
> > David Miller wrote:
> > > According to your standards then, John Wesley should 
> > > be excommunicated for believing and practicing infant 
> > > baptism.  Do you believe that?
> >
> > Dean writes:
> > > To baptize one isn't sin-how do you compare the two?
> > > I am not doing so. Jesus speaks of baptism so I baptise
> > > -Jesus speaks of adultery so I don't commit that. 
> > > One I do -one I don't- how can you compare them?
> >
> > The point is that John Wesley believed that babies were cursed by
> > original sin, and if they were not baptized, they would go to hell fire
> > when they died.  He urged people not even to wait until the eighth day,
> > as many infant baptizers said to do, as they see baptism as the
> > replacement for circumcision.  So because John Wesley saw a role of
> > baptism in salvation, you ought to excommunicate him by your standards
> > because you would consider him a false teacher if he taught his views
> > about baptism before you today.
> D. Writes
>  I don't want to stray off course with this at this time-but will be
> willing to debate this later-after the Mormons are gone.The Wesleyan view
> is winnable in any debate.
> -----------------------------------------
> >
> > David Miller wrote:
> > >> I do think that some Mormons have eternal life.  It really 
> > >> depends upon whether their trust toward Jesus Christ is 
> > >> greater than their trust in Joseph Smith or their trust 
> > >> in the LDS church organization.
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > I don't believe no Mormon has eternal life. To adhere to 
> > > that religion is to go by the name Mormon-To give up that 
> > > lie is to give up that religion and also the claim to that 
> > > religion. Hence one is converted to Christianity and no 
> > > longer a Mormon.
> >
> > But to a Mormon, Christianity and Mormonism is the same thing.  The way
> > you talk, the only saved people are Christians.  You see no room for
> > Jews or any other religion.  
> D. Writes:
>  By definition Christians follow the teaching of Jesus Christ-and that
> makes them the only saved people on earth.If a Jew, Mormon...etc accepts
> Christ they are no longer of that other faith-but instead Christians.
> -----------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > With baptists we are talking types of apples such 
> > > as Granny Smith or Golden Delicious. With Mormons 
> > > were are taking Apples and Oranges. To compare the 
> > > two is a mistake. You need to be at SLC David and 
> > > spent time around the brethren there.
> >
> > I have heard some vile and wickedness come from Baptists too.  It may be
> > that the light you have is such that you don't see the specs that mottle
> > the Baptists.  I have often felt that some people easily see the faults
> > of the Mormons but seem to be blind about the faults of their own
> > religion.  Once a person casts off all religions, even Christianity,
> > then I think he begins to see more clearly.  It is not religion that
> > saves, nor is it religion that God is after, but rather a relionship
> > with God that is through faith in Jesus Christ.
> D.Writes:
>  I can agree that one should visit other denominations-to see theirs more
> clearly-but the only sin I can find among the Baptist is their
> understanding of the sabbath-And even then the "young children" have an
> advocate with the father. To be Christ- like should never be "cast off".
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > David Miller wrote: 
> > >> I have many other verses showing believers meeting in the 
> > >> Temple daily, going to the Temple to pray, going to synagogue 
> > >> every Sabbath, disputing with unbelievers in the synagogue, 
> > >> etc.  This particular passage I quote shows Paul not only 
> > >> going into the Temple where no Gentile is allowed, but he 
> > >> is offering the Azurite sacrifices, worshipping in connection
> > >> with the Jewish priests there.  You don't enter into Judaic 
> > >> worship more deeply than something like this.
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > David -I think Paul was in error to do as he did in this 
> > > verse- if received on it's face value. Why would anyone 
> > > offer sacrifices after the final sacrifice was given. 
> > > We could argue this verse for life and still be lacking 
> > > as to it content. Find another or this will be a long 
> > > road to travel.
> >
> > <Sigh>.  And if I brought up examples of Jesus offering sacrifices, you
> > would say that it was before the cross, or if I gave examples of Jesus
> > spending time in the synagogue you might counter that he was the Son of
> > God and so he could endure the false teachers without being deceived,
> > but we cannot.  If I brought up other examples of Paul visiting the
> > synagogue every sabbath and engaging in discussions, you might say that
> > you think Paul was wrong to do that.  Dean... what exactly am I suppose
> > to do?  How about telling me what kind of evidence would be persuasive
> > to you?
> >
> > Anyway, here's another passage for you.  Tell me what you think.
> >
> > After these things Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth; ...
> > and the Greeks.  (Acts 18:1-4 KJV)
> D. Writes:
>  I see no problem with this-Who better to deal with the Jews them one who
> was a Jew then converted.How many are ex-Mormons on this site?I go and
> preach to the Mormons at times but to spend unlimited time with them I
> not do- as I could grow close to DaveH-We could Joke a lot-but it would in
> time be to my loss.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > But you were the one who said that people are invited 
> > > here to discussions religion- I assumed that made it 
> > > a religious site. 
> >
> > Sure, we discuss religion sometimes, but that doesn't make this a
> > religious site.  We are about truth.  Some people think truth comes
> > through religion.  Some think it comes through science.  Some think
> > truth comes through faith in Jesus Christ. 
> D. Writes:
> Then tell them differently-bring them here and I will tell them also-but
> guard the brethren and reduce their exposure to evil.
> -------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > > I would ask you when can one lay down his Christianity 
> > > and their rules-and be non religious for sake of 
> > > learning-Don't the teaching of the Bible have to be 
> > > turned on all the time? 
> >
> > Christianity as a religion never helped anybody, in my opinion.  God
> > works in spite of Christianity not because of it.  Feel free to lay down
> > your Christianity all the time, but never lay aside your faith and trust
> > in Jesus Christ.  Let him and the Holy Spirit be your guide in truth,
> > and the Bible as your standard of authority regarding right and wrong.
> D. Writes:
> Well spoken-but true Christianity is all those things-Yes I see where just
> religion with out Christ is harmful-but  true Christianity is not.If the
> bible is the standard then why ignore the strong wording of" Beware of
> False Prophets"-and not to eat with one that continues in sin? At what
> point does one ignore that said authority-how far can one go and still be
> in the confines of the bible?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Dean wrote:
> > >  Does our enemy -the Devil -also take a break 
> > > just to have coffee with the Saints for awhile.
> > > If not why should we?
> >
> > Actually, he does take a break to have coffee with the saints sometimes.
> > :-)  Ever read Job?
> D.writes:
> I don't think Satan had a choice in the matter-He had to present himself
> God to give accountability of his doings. I also think God set him up for
> fall.
> ------------------------------------------
> >
> > Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves
> > before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. And the LORD said unto
> > Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From
> > going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. And
> > the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that
> > there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one
> > that feareth God, and escheweth evil? (Job 1:6-8 KJV)
> >
> > Peace be with you.
> > David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> D. Writes:
>  Some peoples peace should be shattered :-)
> --
> >
> > ----------
> > "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
> know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> http://www.InnGlory.org
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> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
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