On Wed, 31 Dec 2003 19:32:53 -0500 "Dean Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
..that the Jesus of the Bible is the Savior of the world..get[s] a hearty amen from me.
but who can prove this claim about Him?

g ottoson :: http://poet235.com
I could point to the Bible, written over thousands of years by at least forty different authors, and ask that you note how all these messages point to HIM.  I could point out that there is more evidence for Jesus being the Christ than there is evidence that George Washington was the father of our country.  I could point to the people who were so convinced that they gave their lives to proclaim the news to the lost, rather than be silent and safe.  I could point to lepers with half their face eaten off by disease, restored by a touch from Jesus.  I could point to hundreds of miracles, from feeding thousands with a lunch meant for one, to the raising of the dead.  I could point to the heavy veil in the temple that separated man from God being ripped in half at the moment Jesus paid the price for my sins, yet some would still chalk it up to a series of coincidences or a pack of lies, and so I point to myself.
No one but Jesus could have made me willingly give up my selfish ways to willingly live for HIM.

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