David Miller wrote:

> Kevin raises an important question here. I hope you do not overlook it
> amongst your many emails.  He quotes one of your apostles as saying:
> "Now, obviously, the only way a dead people could speak 'out of the
> ground' or 'low out of the dust' would be by the written word, and this
> the people did through the Book of Mormon. Truly it has a familiar
> spirit, for it contains the words of the prophets of the God of Israel."
> LeGrand Richards, A Marvelous Work and A Wonder,  p. 69.
> Then Kevin wrote:
> It is an easy question to answer. Does the Church teach that the Book of
> Mormon has a Familiar Spirit?
> Check one:
> NO

DAVEH:  I believe I responded to this some time ago.

> If you don't have time to answer, maybe Blaine can answer it.
> Do either of you have this book by Richards that he mentions, "A
> Marvelous Work and a Wonder"? I searched for some more information and
> found it interesting that LeGrand Richards was one of the apostles
> involved in allowing blacks to function in the priesthood, primarily
> because of the large number of black Mormons in Brazil.  Therefore,
> LeGrand Richards was responsible for adding additional Scripture to your
> holy writings.

DAVEH:  You've stated a fact and then let it lead you to a faulty conclusion.  LeGrand 
Richards was not the sole person 'responsible' in this.  The entire Quorum of the 12 
were in agreement when President Hinckley revealed it and were equally (as I
understand it) 'responsible'.

> I would say that this makes him a pretty good authority
> to quote.  Do you agree?

DAVEH:  Yes.

> Peace be with you.
> David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

Dave Hansen
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