
The universe is all that exists, whether we can perceive it or not, excluding the God of the universe (evident in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), who has always existed, exists, and will always exist independently from the universe.

Your turn to give the Mormon twist.


From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] just the BIBLE Dave
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 16:29:13 -0700

Blaine: I thought you were driving at that, but first I wanted to establish
that we believe--as far as immediate gods are concerned--in the godhead
indicated in most Christian churches--what they call the Trinity. However,
when we start talking about "other gods," and who is the "King of the
Universe," we first must define the term "Universe." How do you define
that, Perry?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] just the BIBLE Dave

> >Blaine wrote: Other gods? When the plural is used by Mormons, it
> >God the
> >Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost. These are the same
> >plurality being referred to in the Bible in Genesis 1: 26 which states:
> >"And God said, let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness . . ."
> Oh, yet another Mormon definition that means something other than when
> Christians use it.
> Basically, you misinterpreted my question.
> 1. You said, "God knew he secretly intended to usurp his throne, and
> his honor and glory as King of the Universe."
> 2. What you are saying here is that god the father is King of the
> 3. Now, according to you guys, jesus is a god, and jesus' father is god
> father, and he has a father that is a god, and he, again, has a father
> is god, etc, infinitely back in time, right? (I use a lower case 'j' and
> to distinguish between the Mormon jesus and god and the biblical Jesus and
> God.)
> 4. Not to mention that each god had MANY children that are also now gods,
> so it might be safe to say there are myriad gods in the Mormon universe,
> right? Maybe even billions. ("billions and billions", to quote a once
> physicist and atheist, who is now a believer!)
> 5. Are all of these myriad gods "King of the universe", or is only "god
> father (of jesus)" King of the Universe, as you said he is?
> 6. If he IS King of the Universe, as you said, then how do all of the
> gods in the universe feel about that? Do they want to be King of the
> Universe?
> 7. Can there be more than one King of the Universe?
> 8. If not, who is King of the Universe now and who decided that?
> 9. Who was King of the Universe before him?
> 10. Or, are there many universes, and having its own god, who is the King
> only that Universe?
> Inquiring minds want to know.
> Perry
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