From: "Blaine Borrowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Blaine:  When Jacob gave his blessings to Ephraim and Mannasseh,
he gave the greater blessing to Ephraim, whom he said would be greater
than his older brother.  
Which is not surprising when one looks at the life of Mannasseh...
In Biblical history, Ephraim was one of the two leading  tribes, competing
with Judah.  The kingdoms of Israel and Judah were ruled by descendants
of Ephraim and Judah respectively, those from the tribe of Judah being of
the lineage of David. 
Not exclusively, more than once a servant took the throne in Israel.
Jehu and his four sons are one example.
The tribes led by Ephraim (the ten tribes) were "lost" as they were conquered
and taken out of the land of Israel. 
Both Israel and Judah were conquered and taken out of the land of Israel.
Only difference being that Israel went first.
But several books have been written with evidence that they  were led
into the Northern European countries. I believe many of the European
"Gentiles" are of that lineage, especially the British. 
They were conquered by the Assyrians and led off to Babylon for 70yrs
It is called the "Babylonian captivity".  European gentiles are not
Semitic people. The Jews fled to Europe during the dispersion.
The British flag shows both the Lion and the Unicorn.  The Lion
has always represented Judah.  It is still the symbol for the nation of
Israel.   Moses Mainamides, a Jew of the 14th century,  showed by
pedigree that most of the ruling class of Europe descends from David,
who was of the tribe of Judah. 
Who is this Moses?  His thesis reminds me of Islam where every
sect claims to have a lineage that goes back to Mohammad.
The Unicorn is from a mistranslation in the Bible of the true symbol
of the tribe of Joseph, which is the wild ox.  The two horns represent
the two sons of Joseph--Ephraim and Manasseh.
Is the above validated by scripture and so - what is the point of all
England, I believe in particular has much of the blood of Israel in it. 
The word "Saxons" is thought by some to be a corruption of the word
Huge leap into heresy - the British descended from the pagan Celts. 
Many of the fair people of Northern Europe probably are also of the
House of Israel, including Denmark--where the tribe of Dan settled? 
Just a little food for thought. 
Don't think so Blaine - all of this sounds like a flight of fantasy to me.
Europe was overcome by Vandals, Vikings, Huns etc. and during
Jesus' earthly ministry the Jews did not consider the Romans to be
any kin to them.
Grace and Peace,

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