DAVEH:  Kevin, I find it rather interesting that you addressed everything EXCEPT the question I put to Dean!......
Dean wrote:
Is this related to the fact that SLC has a much higher
> average than the nation in teen pregnancy and drug abuse?

DAVEH:  Really?  I hadn't heard such.  Do you have statistics to prove your comment?
........Dean made an unsubstantiated comment, and I asked him to provide evidence to back him up.  So far.....he has failed to do that.  And then in an effort to support him, you edited his apparently errant statement and then proceeded to give me the statistics for everything except that for which I asked.

Kevin Deegan wrote:

DAVEH:  Really?  I hadn't heard such.  Do you have statistics to prove
your comment?

DEAN You will know them by their fruits.Do you ignore the suffering of your own people
by turning a blind eye to this also?.

DAVEH:  I would hope not.  But I don't know if what you are reporting
was accurate, nor do I live near enough to SLC to ascertain such myself.If indeed the LDS church is the one true religion on earth, despite all the imperfections of the mortals that run it, and the members who attempt to follow its teachings, it is fair to assume that the practices and doctrines in it would produce people who are comparatively more healthy than other people.

The Facts do not bear this out SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN UTAH!

Utah was second to worst in number of crimes per 1,000 people at 55.1 per 1,000.

Divorce rate in Utah exceeds the national average

That the state, with its majority LDS population, has the highest personal bankruptcy rate in the nation is not lost on church leadership or observers.

Suicide: The suicide death rate in Salt Lake is 75 percent higher than the U.S national average. Most suicides involve troubled young men with guns. The 153 suicides in Salt Lake during 1996 are the tip of an iceberg that contains much larger numbers of people engaged in self-destructive behavior like drug addiction, violence and irresponsible sex. High suicide rates in Salt Lake are a red flag alerting the community to widespread and serious problems.
Teen suicide rate is twice the national average.
Eight children under age nine committed suicide in 2001.

LDS obsession with seX seX seX?
Utah ranks among worst in forcible rape
An estimated one in five adult women in Utah has been forcibly raped at least once during her lifetime
"Our findings clearly demonstrate the fact that Utah has a substantial rape problem,"

Study Finds Utah Leads Nation in Antidepressant Use
Some point to the pressures of Mormonism, especially for women, to explain the surprising findings
Los Angeles Times/February 20, 2002

Utah Pops More Prozac Style Drugs Than any Other State

Child murder rate in Utah is 5 times higher than the national average. (The Denver Post, Empire Magazine, 11/21/82, p.30)

February 27, 2003 -- Utah's foreclosure rate for homes reposessed is almost DOUBLE that of the national average. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) foreclosed on 1,391 Utah homes with mortgages insured by its Federal Housing Administration in the 2002 fiscal year that ended Sept. 30. The total for last year represents an 80 percent jump from the previous year and a nearly 1,832 percent increase from 1997, according to a HUD report. (from the Salt Lake Tribune)

January 17, 2003 (Deseret News) -- $100 million is fleeced from Mormon (LDS Church) members by various forms of racketeering. Three of six people were indicted -- with more to come. Utah has a "disproportionate" share of this type of fraud. Not surprising. The Mormon Church teaches members to stack belief and myth above one's own thinking, judgment and education. The Council for Better Business Bureaus reported that in the 1980s, 10,000 Utah people lost an estimated $215 million. The scams continue. The incidence of sexual child abuse in Utah is 33% higher than national average. (National Association for the Protection of Children)

One in five women in Utah relate that their children witness or hear verbal abuse, while one in fourteen report their children witness or hear physical abuse.
In homes where spousal abuse occurs, children are abused at a rate 1,500 percent higher than the national average.

Utah comes into national focus for its rampant polygamy. More polygamy is found in Utah than any other state. Utah's Mormon dominated Legislators have even attempted to legalize the practice. Still, polygamy crimes go on without prosecution. Mostly, it's a "hands off" policy. Polygamy is still written as doctrine in the current edition of the Mormon, LDS Doctrine and Covenants despite the Mormon Church claim they "don't allow it anymore." It is allowed and practiced, however, in their temple work for the dead.

This ABUSE of WOMEN & CHILDREN is allowed to continue OPENLY in UTAH!http://www.polygamy.org/dangersigns.shtml


Los Angeles Times/September 9, 2001 
By Julie Cart Law: Child abuse and welfare fraud are part of plural marriage's toll. Still, there is a reluctance to pursue lawbreakers. http://www.rickross.com/reference/polygamy/polygamy69.html

Utah looks the other way while OLD Men RAPE & ABUSE little girls as young as 12


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