DAVEH:   My latest comment is in RED......


 No DAVEHAs it turns out yesterday a.m. was just a lull - Do you ever feel like youare the recipient of 'information overload'?
DAVEH:  LOL......You only are battling a couple tired old Mormon boys who are way past their prime.  We on the other hand, are going to battle against the toughest, most elite team of street preachers, and a cadre of battle trained TT warriors who spend their idle hours sharpening their theological daggers and are looking to draw Mormon blood at ever step while loading our wagons with some of the most ridiculous accusations known to man.  Yeah Judy......I know what you mean by IO.   <VBG>
  Grace and Peace,Judy Well that's up to you fellows, I  thought it might clear the air orclear some things up
 DAVEH:  There is little I can say that will clear the air as long as there are those in TT who do not want to
 discuss some of these things in seriousness.
 - whatever you want to call it and I don't thinkyou would get much 'flack' here.  It appears as though Kevin has runout of
 steam...DAVEH:  LOL........Do you really believe that, Judy?Judy

Dave Hansen
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