No hard feelings brother. You made some valid points that I cannot argue with, especially with the verses you quoted the last couple of days.
I think our biggest problem on tt is the inability to know the attitude of the writer when we read each others  words.  It is too easy for something said in love to be construed as hate.
We are also too determined to make people see what they are not capable of seeing; things that must be discerned with the help of the Holy Spirit.
And sometimes, we are just mean.  Without even thinking, we quench the Spirit working in someone else.
I believe we have exhausted the subject of Mormanism.  I now know that I do not want to ever be one, and I know that they will never want to be Christians, so I have just started deleting anything to do with the subject. 
I hope some day you come back to TT.  In the meantime, I will be praying for you daily, that you grow in grace, grow in Christ, and win souls for the Kingdom. Keep in touch.
Your brother,

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