Can't we start focusing on the truth and just let the Mormons
do what they want to do?  I can't see that spending so much time
and effort looking into the details of what they believe and how they
practice it is glorifying to the Lord.  What is the purpose?
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
There seems to be some confusion about who controls BYU
The control board that removes tattoos from pictures etc.
Some say it is not LDS Church controlled.
The controlling board of BYU is made up of 13 members:
The General Authorities are in Complete control with 9 members from either;
The First Presidency, Presidents Two Counselors or the Quorum of the Twelve
The head of the Church parochial education system, a member of the Presidency of the Seventy
3 seats are filled by women Presidents of the womens auxiliaries directly appointed by the GA's
The pres of BYU is a member of the First quorum of Seventy
All students must attend LDS religion classes and conform to the regulations drawn up by the university and approved by the controlling board
98.6% of the students are LDS and must recieve an annual letter of recommendation from their Bishop to continue at BYU.
98% of the faculty are LDS
_expression_ of ideas unfavorable to the Church is restricted.
There is no academic freedom at BYU
No other University in the US exhibits this much control.

Elder Boyd K. Packer "Some things that are true are not very useful"

"Teaching some things that are true, prematurely or at the wrong time, can invite sorrow and heartbreak instead of the joy intended to accompany learning.... The scriptures teach emphatically that we must give milk before meat. The Lord made it very clear that some things are to be taught selectively and some things are to be given only to those who are worthy."

Elder Mark E. Petersen
"Our authorities are the scriptures, the four standard works. Joseph Smith and the other Presidents and leaders are likewise our authorities. They are our file leaders. We must teach as they do. We must avoid the doctrines which they avoid" ("Avoiding Sectarianism," in Charge to Religious Educators, 2nd ed. [1982], 118).

"Be not led by any spirit or influence that discredits established authority . . . or leads away from the direct revelations of God for the government of the Church. The Holy Ghost does not contradict its own revealings. Truth is always harmonious with itself. Piety is often the cloak of error. The counsels of the Lord through the channel he has appointed will be followed with safety" (Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, and Charles W. Penrose, "A Warning Voice," Improvement Era, Sept. 1913, 1149).

Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Aug 8,1992 - Salt Lake Tribune reports that First Presidencys spokesman has acknowledged existence of special Strengthening the Members Committee that keeps secret files on church members regarded as disloyal. Due to publicity on this matter, including New York Times, Presidency issues statement on 13 Aug. defending organization of this apostle-directed committee as consistent with Gods commandment to Joseph Smith to gather documentation about non-Mormons who mob and persecute LDS Church. Presidency lists Apostles James E. Faust and Russell M. Nelson as leading the committee.

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