Just a couple of thoughts to add to the Mormon melee.
Our daughter was here last night, the one who is friendly with the Mormon boy
in Hawaii and who used to travel to Utah often on business.  She has a friend
in Utah who was raised in Christian Science in SLC; he keeps her current with
what is going on in the media with the LDS. 
Recently he sent her the article about the Kinston family which had to do with
incest and polygamy and his comment was that whenever Mormon polygamists
are prosecuted they are NEVER charged with polygamy itself, it is always some
other charge such has having sex with a minor etc.  I find this curious - Why
is that since polygamy itself is illegal?
My daughter investigated the tattoo/BYU thing and she tells me the tattooed
basketball player is not Mormon and that he had the tattoos already. He did get
a new one (violating his agreement with BYU) but the photo in question was taken
before he got this one (which is on his wrist).  She read that BYU are presently not
air brushing photos but they have done so in the past and in one photo they
even superimposed the head of a popular player (who was absent for the photo-
op) onto  someone elses body so who knows what is real and what is not
since the fruit of deception is more deception.
I'm opting for taking thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and dwelling
in Truth which is in Him....
Grace and Peace,

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