Blaine wrote:
> These guys were just out there screaming obscenities.
Since you are speaking about me, I was there at the wedding party.
Where you there? Or are you speaking third person?
"These guys were just out there screaming obscenities"
Go ahead tell us what obscene things were said.
Or do you prefer to witness falsely?
And you want to know why I say LDS stands for LIARS, decievers, seducers?
Are these words Obscene?
Jesus warned against False teachers
The Preaching of the Cross is to them that Perish foolishness
The Chuch of Jesus Christ Latter day Saints can not save you, Jesus is the way
Your Temple garments will never hide your sin, the only covering that will work is the Blood of Jesus Christ
and remember:
Exodus 20:16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Proverbs 19:9 A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.

Mt 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

Here is the Church owned TV station story, any Obscenities?
View Real Video of Main Street Heckling Story
Day of Heckling on Plaza Thrusts Issues to Forefront

We arrived at one conference to news stories such as this: GAG ORDERS? One news story actually said anyone without a permit would face arrest.
Restrictions on Main Street Considered During LDS Conference - 04/01/2003
The city is exploring the idea of temporarily restricting free speech on the Main Street Plaza during this weekend's General Conference.
Downtown 'fighting words' are spelled out,1249,590041671,00.html
Rules on free speech unveiled
Conduct of street preachers prompts the city's action
"Protesters who apply for free _expression_ activity permits will be given the guidelines."

How much does the cities "Free Speech Permit" cost?
No kidding they actually have a "Free Speech permit".
To Whom should we submit our sermons, to have them reviewed for meeting the guidelines?
Maybe the city should create a new "Bureau of PC (Permitted&Correct) speech"
Many countries have found "travel permits" effective, maybe SLC can be the 1st in the US to institute this policy to keep undesirables out of Utah?

All this to appease the Church, and SILENCE it's critics!


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