Terry Clifton wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 10:03 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Inerrant Bible

> > DAVEH: To DavidM or any other TTers who wish to comment: > > This morning on the way to work I listened to my favorite Bible > preacher on the radio....Steve Brown of Key Life Ministries in Orlando. > He mentioned that the heading of...... > > THE EPISTLE OF PAUL THE APOSTLE to the HEBREWS > > .......is not part of the inerrant Bible, and that we really do not know > who wrote the book of HEBREWS. Is that belief commonly accepted amongst > most Protestants, or do many take offense at such a suggestion? For > instance......would KJV ONLY folks find such a thought disagreeable? > How about TTers.....Some like g have fought pretty hard to make me > believe the Bible as we have in its modern form (translations) is > inerrant. Would you disagree with SB, g? > ============================================================ Dave: Are you certain that you heard Steve Brown correctly? I would be surprised to find that he felt Hebrews not to be inerrant.

DAVEH: Perhaps you did not understand what I said above, Terry. SB said the HEADING of Hebrews is not part of the inerrant Bible. He did not say Hebrews itself was not a part.

I know Steve.

DAVEH: Really!?!?!?! That interests me. I really like his style and knowledge. I just wish I could question him about many things as I do you and other TTers. He seems very knowledgeable and easy to listen to. Do you listen to his radio program?

thought I knew him well.  He played a part in leading me to the Lord.  He
has eaten at our table.  Even though he is a little liberal,

DAVEH: ROTFLOL......If you were to listen to him (on the radio) much, I think you would understand why I find that so humorous.

he is a godly
  I have no doubt that he would not say the "epistle of Paul", because the
writer of Hebrews is unknown to us,

DAVEH: That was the reason for my initial questions. I was wondering how other Protestants perceive it. Vincent suggested there are several evidences that give reason to believe it was written by Paul.

but it is part of the Christian Bible,
placed there by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

DAVEH: A few years ago I made the statement that I believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. At the time, I received a lot of flack from other because of that comment. Now SB (and apparently you too) are suggesting there are things in the Bible that are in error, but you (or at least SB) qualify it by saying it is not a part of the inerrant part of the Bible. I wonder what part of the Protestant community sees it the way you and SB sees it.

 Some think it was written
by Apollos, but only the Lord knows for sure.

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dave Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.langlitz.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to receive things I find interesting, I maintain Five email lists... JOKESTER, OPINIONS, LDS, STUFF and MOTORCYCLE.

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