Judy, Let me sum up what I am saying, and then I will close with a couple of words about finding >reconciliation in the midst of impasse.

When Jesus tore into this world through the hymen (or veil or curtain) of the virgin Mary, he came >covered from head to toe in the blood of the world. Not only covered was he, but the same >blood was running through his veins. It had to be because it had to be the blood of not only the >last woman, the virgin Mary, it had to be because it had to be the blood of the first woman, Eve. >How do we know this? because it had to be her Seed that would bleed.

When Jesus tore out of this world through the veil (or curtain or hymen) of the temple, he left >again covered in blood from head to toe. But the blood of the Temple that killed the tomb, is >greater than the blood of the world that spilled from the womb. The blood of Jesus is the blood >of Life, because it is the Father's blood too! It is the blood that defeats the blood of the world -- >purified now, perfected now, vivacious now, victorious now, because it is resurrected now.

That is the blood that now covers us. That blood is now the blood running through our veins. >That blood is the blood of new birth, new creation, newness of Life, born from above in the >resurrection of his blood, the blood of Jesus Christ.

Where is this in Scripture? It is everywhere. >From beginning to end, it's everywhere.

Don't parse this. Don't deny it. Don't kill it. Don't hang it on a tree. Believe this Truth and live!

How do Christians embody the reconciliation of Jesus Christ when caught themselves in the fray of >impasse? They do what God did in Christ in the reconciliation of the world. They do not hunker >down and try to disappear, nor do they attack and smear. They do not insult. They do not >continue in darkness when the Light of the world shines upon them. They do not refuse the Spirit >of Truth. No. The reconciliation of the world culminates in its forgiveness, "Father forgive them, >for they know not what they do." In other words, the judgment looks like mercy. The world was >wrong, the world was guilty, the world was deceived; nevertheless, the world was forgiven. How does this reconciliation look in the face of impasse? It looks like mercy. Judy, I forgive you.

Perhaps we will meet again on a less volatile plain,
Bill Taylor

Hello Bill, peace be upon you.

I've been watching this discussion for a long time and feel compelled to right you now and give you some encouragement.

Wow! Good stuff, very visual. What a powerful summary of the Gospel of our Lord. You've spent some time in the Word, haven't you? Your association with Jesus' blood running through our veins is especially on the mark. The go'el or "kinsman redeemer" of the OT had to be a blood relative. Jesus is our Redeemer because he is our Blood relative. Through Mary back to Eve and forward again to every one of us. Now we see why Eve is the "giver of life" (that's what her name means). What Jesus did in his flesh, he did in all flesh "One died for all, Therefore all died". He had to be like sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh (rom 8:3). And the Son who knew no sin from eternity had to be made sin (nature) so that we could become righteousness in him (II cor 2:21).

Before I go I want to encourage you, Bill. Difficult people abound. You were right in, I think it was your first email. This is a difficult doctrine for dyed-in-the-wool types to grasp. But oh so transformational when they do! And you're right, the way to deal with difficult people is to forgive them. That is loving them.

Oh, I was really moved by your Psalms 22 interpretation the other day. Keep on teaching. This stuff is contagious.

To His Glory,

Robert Trump

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