I understood what you said about a kinsman reedemer in the old testament.  I just don't agree that it has to be that way with Christ. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Wm. Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Last words on Jesus had the same sinful flesh we have.

Hey Terry, I hope for your sake it is an illusion, because when I look around, you're not in it. :>) Just kidding, just kidding.
No really, go'el is a Hebrew transliteration. It means kinsmen redeemer. Why don't you go back to yesterday's posts and see where I explained this term, along with a couple of others. Shoot, it won't hurt you to learn a new word every now and then.
You bet, say what you believe. I have no problem with that. But don't say it from on High, because the illusion may just be your own.
About the veins thing, if it didn't do anything to the blood in your veins, it doesn't touch you. That's what the early church meant when they said, "The unassumed is unsaved." They recognized that Christ had to actually be us to help us.
See ya, Saint.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Last words on Jesus had the same sinful flesh we have.

Hey Bill:
I think you may be laboring under an illusion.  Not all of us think that it took the go'el.  Some of us are so uneducated that we have never heard of go'el.  We figure it took the blood shed on the cross, not the blood in our veins. 
Hope this does not offend you, but We have to say what we believe, not what you would like to hear.
(see my earlier post for the go'el ), we can then begin to understand how it is that the Second Adam is truly greater than the first. Why did it take THE go'el to redeem humanity? because the only other kinsmen that we all have in common besides the go'el, is Adam. We have his blood running through our veins. That blood had to be destroyed and recreated, if we were to stand a chance against the tyrants.

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