There are certain genetic markers that can identify some groups.
(This is general stuff that affects certain percentages of a group; this
stuff is not reliable for identifying individuals.) For instance, Jewish
people have a large percentage of a marker which is called something like
"the Cohanim alele," or something like that. It was used to verify that a
group of black people in the southern part of Africa really are descended
from Jews, just as their legends claim. If the American aborigines were
really the lost ten tribes, they'd have the Cahanim marker in a large
percentage of their population. Contrapositively, if they don't have it,
then they cannot be the lost ten tribes.

     Somewhere in the ot, we read about how the tribe of Benjamin became
so wicked that the other tribes went to war against them and wiped out
all men, women, and children of the tribe except for six hundred
Benjaminite soldiers. At that point, the other tribes felt bad about
almost wiping out their brother tribe, so they procured women for them
through dubious means, and the tribe of Benjamin was rebuilt or regrown
from that nucleus of six hundred couples. (Judges chapter 21)

     When the ten tribes split from the other two, the righteous people
of the ten tribes refused to obey the order to worship on mountain tops,
and they migrated to the land of Judah to be able to worship in Jerusalem
as God had commanded them. (2 Chron 11:16)

     I feel certain that, just as God rebuilt the tribe of Benjamin from
the six hundred warriors, He also considers the remnants of the ten
tribes which migrated to Judah to be the true representatives of those
ten tribes. There's no need to believe that American aborgines are the
ten "lost" tribes.

On Thu, 04 Mar 2004 15:22:42 -0800 "Charles Perry Locke"
> Wow! In addition to the question you ask, Judy, I would like to know: 
> DaveH 
> and Blaine, do you support the use of DNA evidence in criminal 
> cases? How 
> does your belief  apply to the statement below?
> Perry
> >From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: [TruthTalk] DNA Evidence Discourages Mormons
> >Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 14:13:10 -0500
> >
> >Are you Mormon boys aware of this?
> >
> >The following is from Calvary Contender, March 2004: “Recent DNA 
> evidence
> >questioning the accuracy of Mormon history is providing an open 
> door to
> >evangelism of Mormons. The Book of Mormon describes how Israelites
> >emigrated to the Americas 2,600 years ago, with the now extinct 
> Lamanites
> >and Nephites becoming the ancestors of American Indians. But
> >anthropologists say there is no match of Jewish DNA with that of 
> American
> >Indians. An inaccurate Book of Mormon creates questions about the
> >foundation of Mormon teaching (2/04 Christianity Today). Reportedly 
> about
> >300 people have left Mormonism partly because of evidence presented 
> from
> >interviewing eight scientists including a Mormon scholar.”
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