Blaine:  Somehow I imagined you as being a very hairy, dark and loathsome Italian type, with an oily skin and a  bad case of acne, Kevin. (:>)  I am surprised you have no beard, and even more surprised you are fair enough to have freckles, like myself.  But read the book of Genesis, and you will see that Jacob was pretty much hairless, while his twin brother Esau was very hairy.  Ring a bell?  Not all Jews are hairy, huh?  IN fact, I happen to know a Jew,  Victor was his first name, who had no beard at all--at least not when we were 18 yrs old and in Basic training in the USAF.   He had dark hair, and a very clear, peachy complexion.  The BoM describes Mary, the mother of Jesus, as being white and fair above all women--probably a beautiful blonde, or a very fair redhead.  Many Jews are not only white, but have blonde hair and even freckles.  You have to remember that the BoM people who came from Jerusalem in 600 BC were a small select group.  They may not have been typical dark, hairy fellows like many Jews we see in New York, or crying at the wailing wall.  Barbara Streasand is a very fair Jew, as are others I have seen--Danny Kay for another.  Jesus was supposedly described as having blue eyes and reddish blonde hair. 
But, as to the American Indian, it is plainly evident he has much oriental blood in him.  That seems undeniable.  Yet, in many other ways, he seems to have something else--he seems to have a heritage based upon a totally different religious outlook. When the White man first arrived in the Americas, most Indian Tribes seemed totally unfamiliar with the concept of property and land ownership--this is in keeping with the BoM record that they lived the United Order--had all things in common--for at least three generations after being visited by Jesus Christ.  
Which reminds me,  how do you account for the many legends among the Indian tribes of both North and South America of being visited by a White God?  The Hopi called him the Lost White Brother, Pahana.  The Aztecs called him Viracocha, and the and Mayans called him Quetzalcoatl.  This is also true of the Hawaiians, who called him Lono, and other Pacific Islanders had other names for him.  You cannot ignore this--it does not smack of a cultural heritage like any Oriental peoples I ever heard of.  You keep harping on my not answering some of your trap-type questions, how about this?    
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] DNA Evidence Discourages Mormons

Blaine I need some advice I have a lot of freckles, I suppose that comes from my Irish heritage. I also have very fine hair and can not grow a THICK THICK Beard. I noticed that Jews have NO PROBLEM growing beards. My beard problem probably stems from some American Indian heritage in my family tree. I find that ALL INDIANS have pitiful beards. It is laughable like 4 scraggly hairs on the chin.
Do you know of ANY Indians that can grow thick beards?
Picture in your mind a cherokee with a Full beard it is so wierd it is funny.
What other groups or races have this problem? 
I guess you really do not need a PHD in Biology to figure out that Indians are NOT Descendants of Jews! 
The BoM has it all wrong and is a false history.
Blaine Borrowman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Blaine:  The Indian languages all show traces of Hebrew, but are otherwise very different--what does that prove?  Just that 2500 yrs have gone by, and languages  change at a rapid pace.  The same with genetic similarities. It is called genetic drift.  Ho hum.

Now let's consider the effects of genetic drift on a population.

In the short term, over a few generations, we would expect allele frequencies to increase and decrease in a random, unpredictable way, as a result of genetic drift.

In the longer term, the main result of genetic drift is loss of genetic variation. This occurs because over time, at random, there will be a generation in which one allele (which has become rare by chance) will not get passed at all to the next generation. Given enough time, this will always be the effect of genetic drift -- by chance, alleles will be lost. The smaller the population, since genetic drift has a stronger effect in small populations, the more quickly genetic variation will be lost.

Genetic drift also results in different populations becoming genetically different from each other because by chance, different alleles will become fixed in different populations.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] DNA Evidence Discourages Mormons


Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you Mormon boys aware of this?
The following is from Calvary Contender, March 2004: “Recent DNA evidence questioning the accuracy of Mormon history is providing an open door to evangelism of Mormons. The Book of Mormon describes how Israelites emigrated to the Americas 2,600 years ago, with the now extinct Lamanites and Nephites becoming the ancestors of American Indians. But anthropologists say there is no match of Jewish DNA with that of American Indians. An inaccurate Book of Mormon creates questions about the foundation of Mormon teaching (2/04 Christianity Today). Reportedly about 300 people have left Mormonism partly because of evidence presented from interviewing eight scientists including a Mormon scholar.”

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