jt wrote >  If they were kept in their place it would not be so bad, but
when they are used as a grid through which to determine
God's truth they become a problematic.
I reply >  Judy, Don't you get it? When we say, "Truth is a Person," we are already accepting, without reservations, the grid established by the very ones you see as being "problematic," the Nicene fathers. Get it? They are the ones who invented the word "person" to express what their language could not otherwise say about the Godhead and Jesus Christ. That word spills down to us. We use it today to speak wonderful truths about the Word of God.
Bill Taylor
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 7:35 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:Language-Including "The Bible"

From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am not suggesting that anything other than Scripture is revelatory,
neither are there other sources of truth comparable to the Bible.
I am saying that true statements can come from sources other than the Bible. 
"Truth is a Person" is a great little quote. The first time your hear it, it is pretty
cool, because we are conditioned to think of truth in other categories. BUT the
word "person" is not found in the Text, nor is there a Greek equivalent.
jt: The Greeks don't have all the answers ... Is it a PERSON who said:
"I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life?"
wt: So what do we do? Do we say it is an unbiblical idea? 
jt: No...
wt: That's all that I'm asking. More than that, I am trying to get us to
lighten up a bit on our criticisms about early Christianity and the language
which came from their era. Bill Taylor 
jt: If they were kept in their place it would not be so bad, but
when they are used as a grid through which to determine
God's truth they become a problematic.
God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study
Wm. Taylor wrote:
, I don't have a problem with it myself, but I'm not all pruned up about this it-has-to-come-from-the-bible stuff. What about you who are? Is that a true and accurate statement concerning Jesus Christ?
Bill Taylor
You lost me Bill. Where else?  Science, BoM,  politics, Rev. Moon?  Surely you do not mean there are other sources of truth comparable to the Bible.
'splaine yourself!

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