From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The truth is that history is a body of knowledge from which all of us interpret and understand truth,
> including truth found in the Bible.
Kevin wrote:
> I do not interpret the truth of the bible through the lense of history. I interpret history through the lens of TRUTH the HOLY BIBLE.
Well, this is where you miss it.  Your implicit assumption here is that the Bible is Truth and contains all truth that might be known by man. You should be interpreting the Bible through the lens of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is found everywhere.  He is the light that lighteth every man who comes into the world, even those who have never read the
Bible.  Jesus Christ is found in history as well as in the Bible.
jt: By what authority do you say Jesus Christ is found everywhere? He is and has always been the Word of God (Rev 19:13). As for him lighting everyone who comes into the world, is the apostle Paul out to lunch in Ephesians 2?
Kevin wrote:
> Why should I go to a secondary source which is not INSPIRED or PRESERVED?
The Bible is not a primary source.  Where did you get that idea?  >From the Reformation idea of Sola Scriptura?
jt: The scriptures are a primary source for a 'believer' and they are Jesus' standard. We are to be judged by the words he spoke rather than the opinions of historians and so called church fathers.
Read the Bible and see what it says.  Who is the primary source of truth, ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE?  (Hint: John 16:13)
jt: The author and inspiration of scripture the Holy Spirit.
Truth is not the Bible.  Read the Bible to learn this.  The Bible speaks of truth dwelling inside of us.  The Bible cannot dwell inside of us. Jesus dwells inside of us and His words dwell inside of us (the living word not the written word) through a work of the Holy Spirit.
jt: Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of the Father making intercession for those who are his; the Spirit of Promise who he sent indwells and seals those who are his and how does one come to him? By faith and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  Where do we find the Word of God?  In the Bible. Selah!!
Hear the Bible speak about how truth dwells inside us and will be with us forever: The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; For the truth's sake, WHICH DWELLETH IN US, and shall be with us for ever. (2 John 1:1-2 KJV)
jt: Jesus will be with his Church [the real one] forever but there are many who believer they are his to whom he will say "depart from me..."  Read the parable of the sower... the truth can be stolen.
Look, the Bible is the highest authority of revelation among us.  It is so because of the testimony of HISTORY <there's that dreaded word again! :-)>.  But the Bible is not the primary source that Jesus spoke about that would guide us into all truth.  Do not replace the Holy Spirit with the Bible.  That is the error of many denominations, and the Baptists
especially!  Believe the Bible and obey it and you will see that what I say about the Bible is true.   
jt: The Bible is not the problem; doctrines of men/demons are the problem; then there are those who are obsessed by the Spirit but have no discernment so they follow whatever spirit shows up.  Either error is a mess and will lead to the ditch
God allows the devil to raise up heretics
to make his people study

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